Tombstone of Aniela Pol, Bajkova cemetery in Kiev, as of 2021., photo Zuzanna Rejewska
Licence: CC BY-SA 4.0, Source: Instytuty Polonika
Photo montrant Tombstone of Aniela Pol
Fragment of Aniela Pol's tombstone, Bajkova cemetery in Kiev, as of 2021., photo Zuzanna Rejewska
Licence: CC BY-SA 4.0, Source: Instytuty Polonika
Photo montrant Tombstone of Aniela Pol
photo Bartłomiej Gutowski
Licence: CC BY-SA 4.0, Source: Kartoteka Kijowskiego Narodowościowo-Kulturalnego Stowarzyszenia Polaków "Zgoda", dokumentacja wykonana w latach 1990-2005 przez Czesławę Raubiszko, Conditions d\'autorisation
Photo montrant Tombstone of Aniela Pol
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ID: NGR-000149-P/180

Tombstone of Aniela Pol

Bajkowa cemetery
ID: NGR-000149-P/180

Tombstone of Aniela Pol

The burial place is marked by two boulders. One is laid horizontally, the other vertically at the head of the boulder, on the front of which there is a round metal frame left by a medallion which has not survived, probably with a photograph of the deceased, and above it there is a panel with an engraved inscription.


Aniela z Perrow / POLOWA / wdowa po s.p. Wincentym / + d. 7 marca 1874r. / żyła lat 38. //. 

Related persons:

Time of origin:

ca. 1874-1877

Emplacement de la pierre tombale:

Numéro de secteur 1 (old cemetery) Numéro de la tombe 4


135 x 99 x 200 cm



Additional Information about materials:

dark brown labradorite with numerous and large blasts (crystals) from the Zhytomyr area

State of preservation:

mosses, lichens, fragmented structure

Comments on the state of preservation and visible restoration:

gravestone now overgrown with trees


  • Karta katalogowa obiektu, plan i dokumentacja cmentarza Bajkowa w Kijowie w ramach projektu "Байкове кладовище в києві інвентаризаційні дані", w opracowaniu, 2021-2022, 21
  • Karta nagrobka, Kartoteka Kijowskiego Narodowościowo-Kulturalnego Stowarzyszenia Polaków "Zgoda", dokumentacja wykonana w latach 1990-2005 przez Czesławę Raubiszko
  • Wykaz nagrobków cmentarza Bajkowa, 1

Date of documentation:




Ostatnia aktualizacja:


Author of the documentation sheet:

Bartłomiej Gutowski

Development / approval of the documentation sheet:

Bartłomiej Gutowski
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Tombstone of Aniela Pol, Bajkova cemetery in Kiev, as of 2021. Photo montrant Tombstone of Aniela Pol Galerie de l\'objet +2
Tombstone of Aniela Pol, Bajkova cemetery in Kiev, as of 2021., photo Zuzanna Rejewska
Fragment of Aniela Pol's tombstone, Bajkova cemetery in Kiev, as of 2021. Photo montrant Tombstone of Aniela Pol Galerie de l\'objet +2
Fragment of Aniela Pol's tombstone, Bajkova cemetery in Kiev, as of 2021., photo Zuzanna Rejewska
Photo montrant Tombstone of Aniela Pol Photo montrant Tombstone of Aniela Pol Galerie de l\'objet +2
photo Bartłomiej Gutowski

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