Tombstone of Dominik and Elias Marchewka, cemetery in Chernielovy Ruski, photo Aleksandra Lewandowska, 2017
Photo montrant Tombstone of Dominik and Eliasz Marchewek
Inscription from the gravestone of Dominik and Elias Marchewka, cemetery in Chernielovy Ruski, photo Aleksandra Lewandowska, 2017
Photo montrant Tombstone of Dominik and Eliasz Marchewek
Detail from the tombstone of Dominik and Elijah Marchewka, cemetery in Chernielovy Ruski, photo Aleksandra Lewandowska, 2017
Photo montrant Tombstone of Dominik and Eliasz Marchewek
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ID: NGR-014643-P/109897

Tombstone of Dominik and Eliasz Marchewek

Cemetery in Chernielovy Ruskie
ID: NGR-014643-P/109897

Tombstone of Dominik and Eliasz Marchewek

Burial place marked by a cross on a two-stepped plinth and three-stepped base. Cross with figure of Christ, widening at base into plinth form. Above Christ's head a titulus, at the feet a skull with tibias. The third step of the base with an engraved frame on each side, in which is glazing. First step of plinth with chamfered upper edges. The second step of the pedestal surmounted by a simplified beam, on the front a panel ending in a fully supported arch, in it an engraved inscription.


Tu Spoczywa / Ś. P. / ELIJASZ / MARCHEWKA / przeżył lat 58 / + 24/3 1896 R / DOMINIK / MARCHEWKA / przeżył lat 4 / + 20/5 1906 R. //.

Time of origin:


Emplacement de la pierre tombale:

Numéro de la tombe 2


255 x 75 x 75 cm



Additional information:

the first line of the inscription is engraved along an arch line

State of preservation:

mosses, lichens, cracks, cavities

Comments on the state of preservation and visible restoration:

gravestone leaning to the right

Date of documentation:




Ostatnia aktualizacja:


Author of the documentation sheet:

Aleksandra Lewandowska, Jan Rosiak

Development / approval of the documentation sheet:

Bartłomiej Gutowski, dr hab. Anna Sylwia Czyż, prof. ucz.
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Tombstone of Dominik and Elias Marchewka, cemetery in Chernielovy Ruski Photo montrant Tombstone of Dominik and Eliasz Marchewek Galerie de l\'objet +2
Tombstone of Dominik and Elias Marchewka, cemetery in Chernielovy Ruski, photo Aleksandra Lewandowska, 2017
Inscription from the gravestone of Dominik and Elias Marchewka, cemetery in Chernielovy Ruski Photo montrant Tombstone of Dominik and Eliasz Marchewek Galerie de l\'objet +2
Inscription from the gravestone of Dominik and Elias Marchewka, cemetery in Chernielovy Ruski, photo Aleksandra Lewandowska, 2017
Detail from the tombstone of Dominik and Elijah Marchewka, cemetery in Chernielovy Ruski Photo montrant Tombstone of Dominik and Eliasz Marchewek Galerie de l\'objet +2
Detail from the tombstone of Dominik and Elijah Marchewka, cemetery in Chernielovy Ruski, photo Aleksandra Lewandowska, 2017

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