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Photo montrant Tombstone of Emil Cieśpiwa
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Photo montrant Tombstone of Emil Cieśpiwa
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Photo montrant Tombstone of Emil Cieśpiwa
ID: NGR-013031-P/88685

Tombstone of Emil Cieśpiwa

Burial place marked. Child's grave. Stele with plinth and inscription plaque ending in an arch. Above the plaque a photograph. The grave is surrounded by a band.


1. Tu odpoczywa Emil Cieśpiwa //
2. Śpij w pokoju kochane dziecię moje //

Time of origin:

ca. April 1929

Emplacement de la pierre tombale:

Numéro de la tombe 42


100 x 80 x 163 cm

Additional dimensions:

stele: 90 x 48 x 28


concrete/jewel concrete, sandstone

Additional Information about materials:

sandstone with carbonate binder

Additional information:

children's tombstone

State of preservation:

mosses, lichens, cracks, cavities

Date of documentation:




Author of the documentation sheet:

Halyna Pentsko
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Photo montrant Tombstone of Emil Cieśpiwa Photo montrant Tombstone of Emil Cieśpiwa Galerie de l\'objet +2
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Photo montrant Tombstone of Emil Cieśpiwa Photo montrant Tombstone of Emil Cieśpiwa Galerie de l\'objet +2
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Photo montrant Tombstone of Emil Cieśpiwa Photo montrant Tombstone of Emil Cieśpiwa Galerie de l\'objet +2
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