Tombstone of Franciszka Hrankowska and the Bobowski family, Chorostkovo cemetery, photo autorzy karty, 2017
Photo montrant Tombstone of Franciszka Hrankowska and the Bobowski family
Inscription from the gravestone of Franciszka Hrankowska and the Bobowski family, Chorostkovo cemetery, photo autorzy karty, 2017
Photo montrant Tombstone of Franciszka Hrankowska and the Bobowski family
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ID: NGR-016309-P/113861

Tombstone of Franciszka Hrankowska and the Bobowski family

Chorostkovo cemetery
ID: NGR-016309-P/113861

Tombstone of Franciszka Hrankowska and the Bobowski family

Burial place originally marked by a finial on a two-stage plinth and base.

First step of plinth with chamfered upper edges. Second step of plinth covered with profiled panel. On the front a panel with chamfered upper edges. In it, an engraved inscription.


 + / gro(bo)wie(c) / FAMILIJNY / SoI[SKICH] / BOBO[W]SKI / […] / […] / BOBOWSKA / FRANCIsZKA / HRANKOWSKA //.

Related persons:

Time of origin:

ca. 1850

Emplacement de la pierre tombale:

Numéro de la tombe 15


123 x 52 x 48 cm



State of preservation:

mosses, inscription partly obliterated, non-maintained finial

Comments on the state of preservation and visible restoration:


Date of documentation:




Ostatnia aktualizacja:


Author of the documentation sheet:

Marta Norenberg, Marcin Kwaśny

Development / approval of the documentation sheet:

Bartłomiej Gutowski, dr hab. Anna Sylwia Czyż, prof. ucz.
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Tombstone of Franciszka Hrankowska and the Bobowski family, Chorostkovo cemetery Photo montrant Tombstone of Franciszka Hrankowska and the Bobowski family Galerie de l\'objet +1
Tombstone of Franciszka Hrankowska and the Bobowski family, Chorostkovo cemetery, photo autorzy karty, 2017
Inscription from the gravestone of Franciszka Hrankowska and the Bobowski family, Chorostkovo cemetery Photo montrant Tombstone of Franciszka Hrankowska and the Bobowski family Galerie de l\'objet +1
Inscription from the gravestone of Franciszka Hrankowska and the Bobowski family, Chorostkovo cemetery, photo autorzy karty, 2017

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