Tombstone of Julia Korolkova, Rossa cemetery in Vilnius, as of 2013., photo autorzy karty, Domaine public
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Photo montrant Tombstone of Julia Korolkova
Tombstone of Julia Korolkova, Rossa cemetery in Vilnius, as of 2013., photo autorzy karty, Domaine public
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Photo montrant Tombstone of Julia Korolkova
ID: NGR-009829-P/79577

Tombstone of Julia Korolkova

Burial place marked by a cast-iron cross on an obelisk on a pedestal and two-stage base. Cross with arms surmounted and framed by florets, filled with openwork geometric ornament, on pedestal with pinnacles. At the intersection of the arms a medallion, the mount visible after the figure of Christ. Dry step of base with chamfered upper edges, plinth with moulded upper edges. On the obelisk at the front an engraved inscription. The whole is framed by six cylindrical pedestals connected by double metal bars in the form of a fence, in a common quatrefoil with gravestone 115.


Ś. P. / MARSZAŁKOWA / JULJA / z DESZCZYŃSKICH / KOROLKOWA / ZM. 25 STYCZNIA / 1901 R. / WIEKU LAT 78. / Boże! / Zbaw Jej duszę. //

Related persons:

Time of origin:

ca. 1901-1904

Emplacement de la pierre tombale:

Numéro de secteur 12b (Old Rossa) Numéro de la tombe 116


225 x 70 x 62 cm

Additional dimensions:

fences: 67 x 282 x 217


grey magmatic rocks (syenite, granodiorite, grey granite and others)

State of preservation:

corrosion, mosses

Date of documentation:




Author of the documentation sheet:

Paulina Berkieta, Anna Wigura

Development / approval of the documentation sheet:

Bartłomiej Gutowski, dr hab. Anna Sylwia Czyż, prof. ucz.
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Tombstone of Julia Korolkova, Rossa cemetery in Vilnius, as of 2013. Photo montrant Tombstone of Julia Korolkova Galerie de l\'objet +1
Tombstone of Julia Korolkova, Rossa cemetery in Vilnius, as of 2013., photo autorzy karty, Domaine public
Tombstone of Julia Korolkova, Rossa cemetery in Vilnius, as of 2013. Photo montrant Tombstone of Julia Korolkova Galerie de l\'objet +1
Tombstone of Julia Korolkova, Rossa cemetery in Vilnius, as of 2013., photo autorzy karty, Domaine public

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