Tombstone of Kazimierz Matkiewicz, Ross cemetery in Vilnius, as of 2013., photo autorzy karty, Domaine public
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Photo montrant Tombstone of Kazimierz Matkiewicz
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ID: NGR-009917-P/79801

Tombstone of Kazimierz Matkiewicz

Rossa Cemetery in Vilnius
ID: NGR-009917-P/79801

Tombstone of Kazimierz Matkiewicz

Burial site originally marked by a cross on a rock. Cross not preserved. Retained socket and mounting arbor. Rear side a form of unworked boulder, front side an isolated plaque resembling a scroll with an engraved inscription.


Ś.P. / KAZIMIERZ / MATKIEWICZ / ur. 1886r. zm. 1917r. / POKÓJ JEGO DUSZY //.

Related persons:

Time of origin:

ca. 1917-1920

Emplacement de la pierre tombale:

Numéro de secteur 12b (Old Rossa) Numéro de la tombe 135


50 x 56 x 50 cm


grey magmatic rocks (syenite, granodiorite, grey granite and others)

Additional information:

according to Waclaw Wejtka's file, the gravestone together with the monument to the Peak Nemirovich family was located in a common fence

State of preservation:

corrosion, mosses, cavities, non-maintained finial


  • Czyż Anna Sylwia, Gutowski Bartłomiej , „Cmentarz na Rossie w Wilnie. Niezachowane pomniki na podstawie kartotek Wacława Wejtki, Lucjana Uziębły i Aleksandra Śnieżki”, Warszawa 2021.

Date of documentation:




Author of the documentation sheet:

autorzy karty

Development / approval of the documentation sheet:

Bartłomiej Gutowski, dr hab. Anna Sylwia Czyż, prof. ucz.
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Tombstone of Kazimierz Matkiewicz, Ross cemetery in Vilnius, as of 2013.
Tombstone of Kazimierz Matkiewicz, Ross cemetery in Vilnius, as of 2013., photo autorzy karty, Domaine public

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