Tombstone of Konrad Bobrowski, Ternopil cemetery, state of 2016, photo Agnieszka Borowiecka
Photo montrant Tombstone of Konrad Bobrowski
Inscription of the tombstone of Konrad Bobrowski, Ternopil cemetery, as of 2016, photo Agnieszka Borowiecka
Photo montrant Tombstone of Konrad Bobrowski
Fragment of the tombstone of Konrad Bobrowski, Ternopil cemetery, 2016 status, photo Agnieszka Borowiecka
Photo montrant Tombstone of Konrad Bobrowski
ID: NGR-012530-P/87278

Tombstone of Konrad Bobrowski

Burial place originally marked by a figure on a column, on a two-stage plinth and base. Statue lost, lies beside gravestone, set on its own base. Head not preserved, Depicts Our Lady Immaculata. Below the base of the statue, an adjoining capitol originally crowning a column. The capitol in gothic form, with ornament consisting of moulded pointed arches decorated in the centre with floral decoration. In the fields between the arches, convexly carved acanthus leaves. Above them, a lesbian carving. The cannelled column, standing on a plinth, on the right side and at the back damaged, with large losses. On the front, inscribed into the face of the column is an inscribed plaque with an engraved inscription, framed by a convex carved engraved frame. The base under the monument is fragmented. The quatrefoil was originally enclosed by a cast-iron fence, of which only the two connecting sides in the corner have survived. Openwork fence with leafy decorative motif.



Related persons:

Time of origin:

ca. 1870

Emplacement de la pierre tombale:

Numéro de secteur 3f Numéro de la tombe 12


142 x 147 x 165 cm

Additional dimensions:

sculpture with capitol 127 x 47 x 50 (cm)


sandstone, cast iron

Additional Information about materials:

sandstone tombstone, cast iron fencing

State of preservation:

numerous cavities, fragmented structure, inscription illegible/not preserved

Comments on the state of preservation and visible restoration:

inscription plaque on back of gravestone not preserved, head of statue and two sides of fence not preserved


  • „Inskrypcje nagrobne pogranicza polsko-ukraińskiego”, t. 4, „Województwo tarnopolskie, miasto Tarnopol”, pod red. L. Morawieckiego, Rzeszów 2004, t. 4, s. 87


Date of documentation:




Ostatnia aktualizacja:


Author of the documentation sheet:

Katarzyna Jachimowicz, Agnieszka Borowiecka

Development / approval of the documentation sheet:

Bartłomiej Gutowski, dr hab. Anna Sylwia Czyż, prof. ucz.
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Tombstone of Konrad Bobrowski, Ternopil cemetery, state of 2016 Photo montrant Tombstone of Konrad Bobrowski Galerie de l\'objet +2
Tombstone of Konrad Bobrowski, Ternopil cemetery, state of 2016, photo Agnieszka Borowiecka
Inscription of the tombstone of Konrad Bobrowski, Ternopil cemetery, as of 2016 Photo montrant Tombstone of Konrad Bobrowski Galerie de l\'objet +2
Inscription of the tombstone of Konrad Bobrowski, Ternopil cemetery, as of 2016, photo Agnieszka Borowiecka
Fragment of the tombstone of Konrad Bobrowski, Ternopil cemetery, 2016 status Photo montrant Tombstone of Konrad Bobrowski Galerie de l\'objet +2
Fragment of the tombstone of Konrad Bobrowski, Ternopil cemetery, 2016 status, photo Agnieszka Borowiecka

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