Tombstone of Magdalena and Zofia Garbowicz, cemetery in Zaścianka, photo Joanna Barańska, 2018
Photo montrant Tombstone of Magdalena and Zofia Garbowicz
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ID: NGR-016864-P/117338

Tombstone of Magdalena and Zofia Garbowicz

Cemetery in Zaścianka
ID: NGR-016864-P/117338

Tombstone of Magdalena and Zofia Garbowicz

The burial site marked by a sculptural group on a two-stepped plinth and a two-stepped base. The sculptural group consists of a cross on which a bas-relief Christ, framed by a figure of St Sophia on the right and a figure of St Magdalene on the left. The figures on their own bases. St Sophia depicted wearing a long gown tied at the waist, with a mantle over her shoulders and a closed crown, with her hands spread in a gesture of orant. St Sophia depicted in a long gown, tied at the waist, with hands folded in a gesture of prayer. The steps of the base are glazed. The first step of the pedestal is glazed, with profiled upper edges. Second pedestal step high, covered by a hipped panel with moulding. On the front an engraved frame closed with an overhanging arch, within which is an engraved inscription.


TU / Spoczywa / zofia Garbo / wicz ż. l 24 / umarła + 1905 / i Magdalena / Garbowicz / ż. l 17 umarła / 1907 wiecz / ne odpoczynek //.

Time of origin:


Emplacement de la pierre tombale:

Numéro de la tombe 2


261 x 109 x 97 cm

Additional dimensions:

sculptures: 108 x 52 x 6



State of preservation:

numerous cavities, mosses, lichens

Date of documentation:




Ostatnia aktualizacja:


Author of the documentation sheet:

Joanna Barańska, Kacper Abramczyk

Development / approval of the documentation sheet:

Bartłomiej Gutowski
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Tombstone of Magdalena and Zofia Garbowicz, cemetery in Zaścianka
Tombstone of Magdalena and Zofia Garbowicz, cemetery in Zaścianka, photo Joanna Barańska, 2018

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