The tombstone of Maria and Sophie Roo from the Ross Cemetery in Vilnius, as of 2013., photo autorzy karty
Licence: CC BY-SA 4.0, Source:
Photo montrant Tombstone of Maria and Sophie Roo
Fragment of the gravestone of Maria and Sophia Roo from the Ross Cemetery in Vilnius, as of 2013., photo autorzy karty
Licence: CC BY-SA 4.0, Source:
Photo montrant Tombstone of Maria and Sophie Roo
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ID: NGR-007337-P/72173

Tombstone of Maria and Sophie Roo

Rossa Cemetery in Vilnius
ID: NGR-007337-P/72173

Tombstone of Maria and Sophie Roo

The burial place marked by a cross on a two-stepped plinth and base, in front of which two bands in the form of a coffin lid. At the intersection of the arms of the cross the head of Christ wearing a crown of thorns in relief. The first step of the plinth with chamfered upper edges. On the second step of the pedestal at the front a plaque with an inscription engraved in two columns. The gravestone in a fence consisting of cylindrical pedestals connected by a cast iron bar, shared with monuments nos. 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11.


1.Ś. P. / z SIEDLECKICH / ZOFJA ROO / UR. w MAJU 1850 R. / ZM. 12. VII. 1921 R. //.
2.Ś. P. / MARJA / ROO / ZM. 20. X. 1918 R. / W WIEKU LAT 40. //.

Time of origin:


Emplacement de la pierre tombale:

Numéro de secteur 8o (Old Rossa) Numéro de la tombe 4


245 x 135 x 230 cm

Additional dimensions:

left band: 14 x 54 x 125, right band: 20 x 57 x 130, fence: 60 x 915 x 224


coloured magmatic rocks (granite, syenite and others), concrete/jewel concrete, cast iron

Additional Information about materials:

gravestone topped by a concrete cross, inscription plaque engraved in concrete, fence with granite pedestals and cast iron bar

State of preservation:

mosses, lichens, cracks


  • „Cmentarz na Rossie w Wilnie, badania inwentaryzacyjne”, katalog on-line, opr. Anna Sylwia Czyż i Bartłomiej Gutowski, dostęp on-line

Date of documentation:




Ostatnia aktualizacja:


Author of the documentation sheet:

Kamila Banach, Aleksandra Kaźmierak

Development / approval of the documentation sheet:

Bartłomiej Gutowski, dr hab. Anna Sylwia Czyż, prof. ucz.
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The tombstone of Maria and Sophie Roo from the Ross Cemetery in Vilnius, as of 2013. Photo montrant Tombstone of Maria and Sophie Roo Galerie de l\'objet +1
The tombstone of Maria and Sophie Roo from the Ross Cemetery in Vilnius, as of 2013., photo autorzy karty
Fragment of the gravestone of Maria and Sophia Roo from the Ross Cemetery in Vilnius, as of 2013. Photo montrant Tombstone of Maria and Sophie Roo Galerie de l\'objet +1
Fragment of the gravestone of Maria and Sophia Roo from the Ross Cemetery in Vilnius, as of 2013., photo autorzy karty

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