Tombstone of Piotr Murashka, Ternopil cemetery, state of 2016, photo Agnieszka Borowiecka
Photo montrant Tombstone of Piotr Muraszka
Inscription of the gravestone of Piotr Murashka, Ternopil cemetery, as of 2016, photo Agnieszka Borowiecka
Photo montrant Tombstone of Piotr Muraszka
Detail of the tombstone of Piotr Murashka, Ternopil cemetery, state of 2016, photo Agnieszka Borowiecka
Photo montrant Tombstone of Piotr Muraszka
ID: NGR-012955-P/88465

Tombstone of Piotr Muraszka

Burial place marked by a gravestone on the base. In the upper part of the slab a convex carved cross, below in the face of the slab an engraved inscription. The side walls of the slab are glazed. The base with decorated glazed side walls, fluted on the edges. The gravestone enclosed by a fence consisting of six cuboidal blocks joined together by metal bars. The blocks with chamfered top edges and chamfered side edges, topped with cylinders. The walls of the blocks are glazed.


Tu spoczywają zwłoki Studenta Politechniki Lwowskiej / IV. Semestru kawalera orderu Virtuti Militari / Kapitana / PIOTRA MURASZKI / Dowódcy 3/12 kompanji Saperów kresowych / który zginął bohaterską śmiercią przy / zdobyciu Baru w dniu [28?] kwietnia 1920 roku. / W imieniu Ojczyzny składamy Ci hołd kolego / oficerowie i żołnierze 12 Baonu Saperów. / Pomnik ten [stawia] D-ca Baonu Sap. KPT WITKOWSKI. //. 

Related persons:

Time of origin:

ca. 1921

Emplacement de la pierre tombale:

Numéro de secteur 3h Numéro de la tombe 5


40 x 112 x 185 cm

Additional dimensions:

fence : 80 x 165 x 227 (cm)


sandstone, cast iron

Additional Information about materials:

gravestone and sandstone fence blocks, iron bars

State of preservation:

mosses, cavities, inscription partly obliterated

Comments on the state of preservation and visible restoration:

no connection between the blocks at the head of the panel


  • „Inskrypcje nagrobne pogranicza polsko-ukraińskiego”, t. 4, „Województwo tarnopolskie, miasto Tarnopol”, pod red. L. Morawieckiego, Rzeszów 2004, s. 70


Date of documentation:




Ostatnia aktualizacja:


Author of the documentation sheet:

Katarzyna Jachimowicz, Agnieszka Borowiecka

Development / approval of the documentation sheet:

Bartłomiej Gutowski, dr hab. Anna Sylwia Czyż, prof. ucz.
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Tombstone of Piotr Murashka, Ternopil cemetery, state of 2016 Photo montrant Tombstone of Piotr Muraszka Galerie de l\'objet +2
Tombstone of Piotr Murashka, Ternopil cemetery, state of 2016, photo Agnieszka Borowiecka
Inscription of the gravestone of Piotr Murashka, Ternopil cemetery, as of 2016 Photo montrant Tombstone of Piotr Muraszka Galerie de l\'objet +2
Inscription of the gravestone of Piotr Murashka, Ternopil cemetery, as of 2016, photo Agnieszka Borowiecka
Detail of the tombstone of Piotr Murashka, Ternopil cemetery, state of 2016 Photo montrant Tombstone of Piotr Muraszka Galerie de l\'objet +2
Detail of the tombstone of Piotr Murashka, Ternopil cemetery, state of 2016, photo Agnieszka Borowiecka

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