Cosma Vuccino family tombstone, Ferikoy, Istanbul, 2023, photo Aleksandra Dąbkowska, 2023
Licence: CC BY-SA 4.0, Source: Repozytorium Instytutu Polonika
Photo montrant Tombstone of the Cosma Vuccino family
Cosma Vuccino family tombstone, Ferikoy, Istanbul, 2023, photo Aleksandra Dąbkowska, 2023
Licence: CC BY-SA 4.0, Source: Repozytorium Instytutu Polonika
Photo montrant Tombstone of the Cosma Vuccino family
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ID: NGR-017807-P/148668

Tombstone of the Cosma Vuccino family

Feriköy Catholic Cemetery in Istanbul
ID: NGR-017807-P/148668

Tombstone of the Cosma Vuccino family

The burial place marked by a high band at the head of which is a simple plaque in a frame with a cross on it. In the panel of the plaque and on the horizontal beam of the cross an engraved inscription.



2. ANTOINE BONKOWSKI 1878 - 1939 / NICOLAS VIDAL 1907 - 1970 / MARIE LOUISE KANSIS 1890 - 1981 / (vidal) / MiREiLLE KiZiR 1943 - 2019 / (vidal) //. 

3. CLORiNTHE BONKOWSKA 1876-1942 / CATHERiNE VIDAL 1909 - 2007 / (BONKOWSKA) / NELLY KANSIS 1920 - 2007 / O. TAKi HiSARLI 1929 - 2020 //. 

Time of origin:

ca. 1940

Emplacement de la pierre tombale:

Numéro de secteur 3 (St. Anges Gardiens) Numéro de la tombe 1


234 x 226 x 275 cm



State of preservation:


Date of documentation:




Ostatnia aktualizacja:


Author of the documentation sheet:

Aleksandra Dąbkowska
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Cosma Vuccino family tombstone, Ferikoy, Istanbul, 2023 Photo montrant Tombstone of the Cosma Vuccino family Galerie de l\'objet +1
Cosma Vuccino family tombstone, Ferikoy, Istanbul, 2023, photo Aleksandra Dąbkowska, 2023
Cosma Vuccino family tombstone, Ferikoy, Istanbul, 2023 Photo montrant Tombstone of the Cosma Vuccino family Galerie de l\'objet +1
Cosma Vuccino family tombstone, Ferikoy, Istanbul, 2023, photo Aleksandra Dąbkowska, 2023

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