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ID: NGR-000638-P/684

Tombstone of the Rudolph family

Cemetery at St Francis Church
ID: NGR-000638-P/684

Tombstone of the Rudolph family

Tombstone in the form of a cross on a plinth. Cross on a high plinth. The front and back face of the cross framed by a shaft, at the intersection of the arms with a flowing line and a near-arched closure of the side arms and the upper arm. The arms, apart from the lower one, are additionally closed with a strongly stylised form of a three-field cap, edged with a shaft. In its fields, separated by a shaft, stylised relief lilies, carved in various ways. Each field of the cap closed with a carved cataract arch. As a whole, they give the impression of a stylised, three-leaved arm closure. On the upper arm of the cross at the front a relief eye of divine providence. On the horizontal beam inscriptions to the front (1) and rear (2). Plinth in the form of a boulder. Location of gravestone secondary.


(1) Erb= Begräbnißs / der Familie / George Rudloph / 1841. //.
(2) Die ruhen von ihrer Arbeit / und ihre Werke folgen Ihnen / nach. //.
ad. 2 za Ap 14:13

Time of origin:


Emplacement de la pierre tombale:

Numéro de la tombe 15


240 x 90 x 100 cm



Additional Information about materials:

light, fine-grained, quartzitic

State of preservation:

biological layers, mosses, lichens

Comments on the state of preservation and visible restoration:

a gravestone probably transferred from the old Catholic cemetery, secondarily placed in the area of the arranged small cemetery at St Francis Church

Date of documentation:




Ostatnia aktualizacja:


Author of the documentation sheet:

Bartłomiej Gutowski

Development / approval of the documentation sheet:

Bartłomiej Gutowski
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