Tombstone of Tadeusz Bobowski, Ternopil cemetery, state of 2016, photo Weronika Chrósny
Photo montrant Tombstone of Tadeusz Bobowski
Inscription on the tombstone of Tadeusz Bobowski, Ternopil cemetery, as of 2016, photo Weronika Chrósny
Photo montrant Tombstone of Tadeusz Bobowski
ID: NGR-012762-P/87914

Tombstone of Tadeusz Bobowski

Burial place marked by cross on plinth. Cast iron cross. The trunk and arms are entwined with a floral thread composed of ivy. From below, the figure of an angel holding his hand under his chin. Attached to the cross by nail and wire is an oval metal plaque with a painted inscription. The plinth tapers upwards, terminating in a rectangular surface, with chamfered edges.


Tu spoczywa / KOCHANY [SYN] / TADZIO BOBOWSKI / umarł [...] 1940 [.//]

Related persons:

Time of origin:


Emplacement de la pierre tombale:

Numéro de secteur 6d Numéro de la tombe 7


130 x 34 x 33 cm


concrete/jewel concrete, cast iron, sheet

Additional Information about materials:

thin metal plate

State of preservation:

corrosion, mosses, lichens, inscription partly obliterated


  • „Inskrypcje nagrobne pogranicza polsko-ukraińskiego”, t. 4, „Województwo tarnopolskie, miasto Tarnopol”, pod red. L. Morawieckiego, Rzeszów 2004, nr 14820

Date of documentation:




Ostatnia aktualizacja:


Author of the documentation sheet:

dr Magdalena Olszewska, Weronika Chrósny
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Tombstone of Tadeusz Bobowski, Ternopil cemetery, state of 2016 Photo montrant Tombstone of Tadeusz Bobowski Galerie de l\'objet +1
Tombstone of Tadeusz Bobowski, Ternopil cemetery, state of 2016, photo Weronika Chrósny
Inscription on the tombstone of Tadeusz Bobowski, Ternopil cemetery, as of 2016 Photo montrant Tombstone of Tadeusz Bobowski Galerie de l\'objet +1
Inscription on the tombstone of Tadeusz Bobowski, Ternopil cemetery, as of 2016, photo Weronika Chrósny

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