Maximilian Gierymski, 'Hunting par force for a deer', 1874, Kunsthalle zu Kielolej on canvas, photo Sönke Ehlert
Licence: CC BY-SA 4.0, Source: Kunsthalle zu Kiel, Conditions d\'autorisation
Photo montrant Painting by Maximilian Gierymski in Kiel
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ID: pol_info-000002-P/150117

Painting by Maximilian Gierymski in Kiel

ID: pol_info-000002-P/150117

Painting by Maximilian Gierymski in Kiel

Painting entitled. "Hunting par force for a deer" from 1874 (Kunsthalle zu Kiel, inv. no. 903, dimensions 96.5 x 192 cm, object on loan from Kulturstiftung des Landes Schleswig-Holstein, purchase 1986), signed ul: M. Gierymski Roma 1874. Other titles: "Hirschjagd", "Deer Hunting".

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Maksymilian Gierymski (malarz; Polska, Niemcy)(aperçu)




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Photo montrant Painting by Maximilian Gierymski in Kiel
Maximilian Gierymski, 'Hunting par force for a deer', 1874, Kunsthalle zu Kielolej on canvas, photo Sönke Ehlert

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