Untitled sculpture by Adolf Ryszka, created in 1991, Sankt Margarethen, open-air stone sculpture quarry, photo Kamahele, 2007
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Photo montrant Sculpture by Adolf Ryszka in Sankt Margarethen
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ID: POL-001135-P/118670

Sculpture by Adolf Ryszka in Sankt Margarethen

ID: POL-001135-P/118670

Sculpture by Adolf Ryszka in Sankt Margarethen

Untitled sculpture by Adolf Ryszka. It is located in the open-air stone sculpture quarry of Sankt Margarethen. It was created in 1991, made of sandstone and is 3 metres high.

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Adolf Ryszka (rzeźbiarz; Polska)(aperçu)



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Untitled sculpture by Adolf Ryszka, created in 1991, Sankt Margarethen, open-air stone sculpture quarry
Untitled sculpture by Adolf Ryszka, created in 1991, Sankt Margarethen, open-air stone sculpture quarry, photo Kamahele, 2007

Projets connexes

  • Rzeźba bez tytułu, autorstwa Adolfa Ryszki, powstała w 1991 roku, Sankt Margarethen, plener rzeźby kamiennej w kamieniołomach
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