Joseph Unierzyski, First Vows of the Resurrectionists and Approval of the Congregation by Pius IX, 1892., photo Piotr Jamski
Photo montrant Scenes from the life of the Resurrectionist Order in the Church of the Resurrectionists in Rome
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ID: POL-001145-P/118703

Scenes from the life of the Resurrectionist Order in the Church of the Resurrectionists in Rome

ID: POL-001145-P/118703

Scenes from the life of the Resurrectionist Order in the Church of the Resurrectionists in Rome

"Scenes from the Life of the Resurrectionist Order" are two paintings by Jozef Unierzyski, dated (according to John Iwicki's book) to 1892. They are located in the Church of the Resurrectionists in Rome (exact address: via di Sebastianello 11). They were executed in oil on canvas.

One of them is entitled: 'Fr. Peter Semenenko presiding over the ceremony of the religious vows of the first Resurrectionists on Easter Sunday, 27 March 1842, in the catacombs of St Sebastian in Rome' .

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Time of origin:



Józef Unierzyski (malarz; Polska)(aperçu)


  • Charyzmat Zmartywchwstańców. Historia Zgromadzenia Zmartywchwstania Pańskiego, t. II (1887–1932), Kraków-Kielce 2007, tłum. W. Mleczko, J. Piątkowska-Osińska, B. Tischner., s. 3.




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Wiktoria Grabowska
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Joseph Unierzyski, First Vows of the Resurrectionists and Approval of the Congregation by Pius IX, 1892.
Joseph Unierzyski, First Vows of the Resurrectionists and Approval of the Congregation by Pius IX, 1892., photo Piotr Jamski

Projets connexes

  • Józef Unierzyski, Pierwsze śluby Zmartwychwstańców i Aprobata Zgromadzenia przez Piusa IX, 1892 rok.
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