Jacek Stryjeński, Danuta Stryjeńska, witraże, 1955-1961, Genewa, kościół Sainte-Therèse, photo Andrzej Pieńkos, 2014
Licence: CC BY-SA 4.0, Source: Instytut Polonika, Conditions d\'autorisation
Photo montrant Stained glass windows in the Sainte-Therèse church in Geneva
Jacek Stryjeński, Danuta Stryjeńska, witraże, 1955-1961, Genewa, kościół Sainte-Therèse, photo Andrzej Pieńkos, 2014
Licence: CC BY-SA 4.0, Source: Instytut Polonika, Conditions d\'autorisation
Photo montrant Stained glass windows in the Sainte-Therèse church in Geneva
Jacek Stryjeński, Danuta Stryjeńska, witraże, 1955-1961, Genewa, kościół Sainte-Therèse, photo Andrzej Pieńkos, 2014
Licence: CC BY-SA 4.0, Source: Instytut Polonika, Conditions d\'autorisation
Photo montrant Stained glass windows in the Sainte-Therèse church in Geneva
Jacek Stryjeński, Danuta Stryjeńska, witraże, 1955-1961, Genewa, kościół Sainte-Therèse, photo Andrzej Pieńkos, 2014
Licence: CC BY-SA 4.0, Source: Instytut Polonika, Conditions d\'autorisation
Photo montrant Stained glass windows in the Sainte-Therèse church in Geneva
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ID: POL-001372-P/135069

Stained glass windows in the Sainte-Therèse church in Geneva

ID: POL-001372-P/135069

Stained glass windows in the Sainte-Therèse church in Geneva

Jacek Stryjeński won the competition for this realisation in 1955, and 22 stained-glass windows were originally commissioned from him. Such a major commission cemented his authority in the field of monumental art, having completed the decoration of the Saint-François de Sales church in Geneva. Ultimately, the stained-glass windows of the entire right-hand wall of the nave were completed only in 1964 by the Russian emigrant Fyodor Strawinskij, while Jacek Stryjeński and his wife Danuta (née Burdecka, also a painter) completed the 10 windows of the left-hand wall. According to the competition's guidelines, all the stained-glass windows were to depict various "visions of the revelations of the mystics of the Old and New Testaments", i.e. not only the church's patroness. According to the programme's recommendations, the content of the revelations had to be emphasised more than the figures of the mystics themselves. The Stryjeński windows present, in a synthetic form (looking from the side of the church entrance): the vision of the angel at the moment of Abraham's sacrifice, Moses with the burning bush, St Peter's vision of the Church according to the Acts of the Apostles, St Luke contemplating the childhood of Jesus, the stigmatisation of St Francis, the vision of St Thomas Aquinas (Saint Thomas Aquinas) and the vision of St John the Baptist. St Thomas Aquinas (St Peter and St Paul explaining the intricacies of Scripture to him), the first mass of St John of the Cross with angels, the vision of the Incarnation of the Saviour by the Swiss St Nicholas of Flue, the Genevan bishop St Francis de Sales writing the Treatise of Divine Love, the vision of the Heart of Jesus by St Margaret. Compared to Stryjeński's earlier religious works, this one shows a tendency towards geometrisation, operating with large expressive patches of colour, perhaps influenced by the stained glass works of the French avant-garde of the time, Jean Bazaine, Georges Braque, Alfred Manessier, whose works in nearby Jura and Basel the Stryjeńskis were probably familiar with.

Several of the stained glass windows are signed 'Stryjenski' at the bottom. Seven of them were made by Jacek (this is his greatest work in this field), the other three were completed by Danuta in 1961 after his death.

The pseudo-basilica of the Catholic parish of St. Theresa was built between 1944 and 1946. The modernist temple received forms clearly referring to Roman basilicas of the early Christian era. Its austere décor is composed of many stylistically diverse works created over several decades (including a textile by Urszula Plewka-Szmidt).

Time of origin:



Jacek Stryjeński (malarz; Polska, Szwajcaria)(aperçu), Danuta Stryjeńska (malarka, dekoratorka; Polska, Szwajcaria)(aperçu)


  • L. Borel et al. (red.), Emotion(s) en lumière: le vitrail à Genève, Genève 2008, s. 149
  • https://vitrosearch.ch/en, https://vitrosearch.ch/de/artists/2259488




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prof. Andrzej Pieńkos
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Photo montrant Stained glass windows in the Sainte-Therèse church in Geneva Photo montrant Stained glass windows in the Sainte-Therèse church in Geneva Galerie de l\'objet +3
Jacek Stryjeński, Danuta Stryjeńska, witraże, 1955-1961, Genewa, kościół Sainte-Therèse, photo Andrzej Pieńkos, 2014
Photo montrant Stained glass windows in the Sainte-Therèse church in Geneva Photo montrant Stained glass windows in the Sainte-Therèse church in Geneva Galerie de l\'objet +3
Jacek Stryjeński, Danuta Stryjeńska, witraże, 1955-1961, Genewa, kościół Sainte-Therèse, photo Andrzej Pieńkos, 2014
Photo montrant Stained glass windows in the Sainte-Therèse church in Geneva Photo montrant Stained glass windows in the Sainte-Therèse church in Geneva Galerie de l\'objet +3
Jacek Stryjeński, Danuta Stryjeńska, witraże, 1955-1961, Genewa, kościół Sainte-Therèse, photo Andrzej Pieńkos, 2014
Photo montrant Stained glass windows in the Sainte-Therèse church in Geneva Photo montrant Stained glass windows in the Sainte-Therèse church in Geneva Galerie de l\'objet +3
Jacek Stryjeński, Danuta Stryjeńska, witraże, 1955-1961, Genewa, kościół Sainte-Therèse, photo Andrzej Pieńkos, 2014

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