Collective memorial to Czech and Polish victims of World War II at the Johannisfriedhof cemetery, author unknown, 1970s., photo Marcin Goch, 2018, tous droits réservés
Photo montrant Collective memorial to Czech and Polish victims of World War II at the Johannisfriedhof cemetery
Fragment of a collective memorial to Czech and Polish victims of the Second World War in the Johannisfriedhof cemetery, author unknown, 1970s., photo Marcin Goch, 2018, tous droits réservés
Photo montrant Collective memorial to Czech and Polish victims of World War II at the Johannisfriedhof cemetery
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ID: POL-001520-P/140272

Collective memorial to Czech and Polish victims of World War II at the Johannisfriedhof cemetery

ID: POL-001520-P/140272

Collective memorial to Czech and Polish victims of World War II at the Johannisfriedhof cemetery

This is a collective memorial to the Czechs and Poles who were executed in Münchner Platz in Dresden during the Second World War. Among those condemned to death were many Poles, including: the martyrs from the Salesian oratory in Poznan, elevated to the altars by Pope John Paul II, and members of the secret military organisation "Black Legion" from Gostyń. In total, it commemorates 267 victims of Nazi terror.

The complex of buildings on Münchner Platz had served as a courthouse, detention centre and execution site since 1907. From the time Adolf Hitler's supporters came to power, the victims in the name of the law (mainly German opponents of the Third Reich, but also Czechs and Poles) were executed in the courtyard. Since 1957, the buildings were taken over by the Technical University of Dresden (Technische Universität Dresden), and part of the buildings were used as a memorial site. A new exhibition was opened in December 2012, where visitors can see several hundred photographs, objects and documents, and listen to interviews with witnesses of the time.

Technical data: sandstone; height approx. 270 cm, width approx. 960 cm.

Time of origin:


Supplementary bibliography:

W. Nicht, Die Polen in der Geschichte Dresdens (The Poles in the History of Dresden), Dresden 2014.




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Marcin Goch
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Collective memorial to Czech and Polish victims of World War II at the Johannisfriedhof cemetery Photo montrant Collective memorial to Czech and Polish victims of World War II at the Johannisfriedhof cemetery Galerie de l\'objet +1
Collective memorial to Czech and Polish victims of World War II at the Johannisfriedhof cemetery, author unknown, 1970s., photo Marcin Goch, 2018, tous droits réservés
Fragment of a collective memorial to Czech and Polish victims of World War II at the Johannisfriedhof cemetery Photo montrant Collective memorial to Czech and Polish victims of World War II at the Johannisfriedhof cemetery Galerie de l\'objet +1
Fragment of a collective memorial to Czech and Polish victims of the Second World War in the Johannisfriedhof cemetery, author unknown, 1970s., photo Marcin Goch, 2018, tous droits réservés

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