Chapelle extérieure du château de Sainte-Marie, dite chapelle d'Hedwige, 1479-1489, Burghausen, photo Norbert Piwowarczyk, 2023, tous droits réservés
Source: Instytut Polonika
Photo montrant Outer castle chapel, the so-called Hedwig Chapel in Burghausen
photo C.Stadler/Bwag, 2018
Licence: CC BY-SA 4.0, Source: Wikipedia, Conditions d\'autorisation
Photo montrant Outer castle chapel, the so-called Hedwig Chapel in Burghausen
Chapelle extérieure du château de Sainte-Marie, dite chapelle d'Hedwige, 1479-1489, Burghausen, photo Norbert Piwowarczyk, 2023, tous droits réservés
Source: Instytut Polonika
Photo montrant Outer castle chapel, the so-called Hedwig Chapel in Burghausen
photo Werner100359, 2020
Licence: CC BY-SA 4.0, Source: Wikipedia, Conditions d\'autorisation
Photo montrant Outer castle chapel, the so-called Hedwig Chapel in Burghausen
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ID: POL-002105-P/162474

Outer castle chapel, the so-called Hedwig Chapel in Burghausen

ID: POL-002105-P/162474

Outer castle chapel, the so-called Hedwig Chapel in Burghausen

Variants of the name:

Kaplica zamkowa św. Marii, niem. Hedwigskapelle, Burgkapelle St. Maria

On the pre-castle of the longest fortress in Europe, in Burghausen, is the medieval outer castle chapel of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Commonly referred to as Hedwig's Chapel, after its founder Hedwig II Jagiellon, it is one of the most important late Gothic buildings in Bavaria.

History of the origins of the chapel

The stone chapel was built for lower-level officials and castle staff during the reign of Hedwig II Jagiellon and her husband, Duke George of Bavaria. The consensus in the literature is that construction on it lasted from 1479 to 1489.

Description of the building

The single-nave building, flanked by a tower, is distinguished on the outside by a small porch supported by marble columns. At the corners of the structure are figures of the Archangel Gabriel and Mary greeting him, and on the walls is a fresco depicting the shawl of St Veronica (Veraicon), supported by angels. The interior of the chapel impresses with its irregular cross vaulting and modest polychrome sculptural decoration. On the capitals of the wall-mounted semi-columns stand the statues of six saints, and on the gallery, decorated with an openwork masquerade (in the form of whirling fish bladders), is a relief with a scene of the founders adoring the Sorrowful Christ. St Hedwig's Chapel and its furnishings have been preserved almost intact.

Wizualizacja wnętrza kaplicy,

Related persons:

Time of origin:



  • A. Żurek, Związki dynastyczne pomiędzy dawną Polską a dawną Rzeszą - miejsca pamięci na terenie dzisiejszych Niemiec i Austrii, Warszawa 2023, s. 37
  • N. Kozlowski, E. Krasinska-Klaputh, A. Menhard, Bayerische Löwen - Polnische Adler. Auf gemeinsamen historischen Spuren, München 2008, s. 148-149




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Muszkowska Maria
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Photo montrant Outer castle chapel, the so-called Hedwig Chapel in Burghausen Photo montrant Outer castle chapel, the so-called Hedwig Chapel in Burghausen Galerie de l\'objet +3
Chapelle extérieure du château de Sainte-Marie, dite chapelle d'Hedwige, 1479-1489, Burghausen, photo Norbert Piwowarczyk, 2023, tous droits réservés
Photo montrant Outer castle chapel, the so-called Hedwig Chapel in Burghausen Photo montrant Outer castle chapel, the so-called Hedwig Chapel in Burghausen Galerie de l\'objet +3
photo C.Stadler/Bwag, 2018
Photo montrant Outer castle chapel, the so-called Hedwig Chapel in Burghausen Photo montrant Outer castle chapel, the so-called Hedwig Chapel in Burghausen Galerie de l\'objet +3
Chapelle extérieure du château de Sainte-Marie, dite chapelle d'Hedwige, 1479-1489, Burghausen, photo Norbert Piwowarczyk, 2023, tous droits réservés
Photo montrant Outer castle chapel, the so-called Hedwig Chapel in Burghausen Photo montrant Outer castle chapel, the so-called Hedwig Chapel in Burghausen Galerie de l\'objet +3
photo Werner100359, 2020

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