Poster of the 5th International Scientific Congress "State of research on multicultural heritage of the former Republic of Poland", photo 2021, tous droits réservés
Source: Instytut Polonika
Photo montrant Organisation of the 5th International Scientific Congress \"State of research on the multicultural heritage of the former Republic of Poland\"
Abbreviated programme of the 5th International Scientific Congress "State of research on multicultural heritage of the former Republic of Poland", photo 2021, tous droits réservés
Source: Instytut Polonika
Photo montrant Organisation of the 5th International Scientific Congress \"State of research on the multicultural heritage of the former Republic of Poland\"
Honorary patrons and organisers of the 5th International Scientific Congress "The state of research on the multicultural heritage of the former Republic of Poland", photo 2021, tous droits réservés
Source: Instytut Polonika
Photo montrant Organisation of the 5th International Scientific Congress \"State of research on the multicultural heritage of the former Republic of Poland\"
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ID: spol-000115-P/150614

Organisation of the 5th International Scientific Congress "State of research on the multicultural heritage of the former Republic of Poland"

ID: spol-000115-P/150614

Organisation of the 5th International Scientific Congress "State of research on the multicultural heritage of the former Republic of Poland"

Informations sur le lieu :
Le congrès est un événement cyclique organisé sous le patronage du ministre de la culture et du patrimoine national et du ministre des sciences et de l'enseignement supérieur. L'objectif était d'organiser un débat et de provoquer un échange d'opinions et de points de vue entre spécialistes de différents domaines et spécialisations, mais traitant de la même question, à savoir le patrimoine multiculturel qui se trouve actuellement hors des frontières de notre pays.

Travail réalisé :
L'édition de cette année des réunions scientifiques a rassemblé des chercheurs représentant divers domaines scientifiques (architecture, histoire de l'art, histoire, archivistique, inventaires du patrimoine, etc.) Au cours des délibérations, ils ont présenté leurs propres travaux de recherche sur le patrimoine de l'ancienne République de Pologne au-delà des frontières de la Pologne moderne.

Financement : Programme du Ministère de la Culture et du Patrimoine National "Protection du patrimoine culturel à l'étranger".

Plus d'informations sur le projet :


  • Instytut Badań nad Dziedzictwem Kulturowym Europy, realizacja w roku 2021



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Photo montrant Organisation of the 5th International Scientific Congress \"State of research on the multicultural heritage of the former Republic of Poland\" Photo montrant Organisation of the 5th International Scientific Congress \"State of research on the multicultural heritage of the former Republic of Poland\" Galerie de l\'objet +2
Poster of the 5th International Scientific Congress "State of research on multicultural heritage of the former Republic of Poland", photo 2021, tous droits réservés
Photo montrant Organisation of the 5th International Scientific Congress \"State of research on the multicultural heritage of the former Republic of Poland\" Photo montrant Organisation of the 5th International Scientific Congress \"State of research on the multicultural heritage of the former Republic of Poland\" Galerie de l\'objet +2
Abbreviated programme of the 5th International Scientific Congress "State of research on multicultural heritage of the former Republic of Poland", photo 2021, tous droits réservés
Photo montrant Organisation of the 5th International Scientific Congress \"State of research on the multicultural heritage of the former Republic of Poland\" Photo montrant Organisation of the 5th International Scientific Congress \"State of research on the multicultural heritage of the former Republic of Poland\" Galerie de l\'objet +2
Honorary patrons and organisers of the 5th International Scientific Congress "The state of research on the multicultural heritage of the former Republic of Poland", photo 2021, tous droits réservés

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