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Tombstone of the Kotowicz family, Kozlov cemetery, photo Sylwia Niedźwiedź, 2017
Licencja: CC BY-SA 4.0
Fotografia przedstawiająca Tombstone of the Kotowicz family
Inscription from the tombstone of the Kotowicz family, Kozłowo cemetery, photo Sylwia Niedźwiedź, 2017
Licencja: CC BY-SA 4.0
Fotografia przedstawiająca Tombstone of the Kotowicz family
Fragment from the tombstone of the Kotowicz family, Kozlov cemetery, photo Sylwia Niedźwiedź, 2017
Licencja: CC BY-SA 4.0
Fotografia przedstawiająca Tombstone of the Kotowicz family
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ID: NGR-016496-P

Tombstone of the Kotowicz family

Kozłów | Ukraine
urk. Kozłiw (Козлів)
Kozlow cemetery
ID: NGR-016496-P

Tombstone of the Kotowicz family

Kozłów | Ukraine
urk. Kozłiw (Козлів)

The burial place originally marked by a cross on a two-stage base and a three-stage plinth. first step of the base glazed with fluted edges. Second step of base with chamfered upper edges also fluted. The first step of the pedestal with chamfered upper edges with engraved inscription to the front. Second step of pedestal low with chamfered upper edges. The third step of the pedestal narrows towards the top and becomes a semicircular canopy. A decorative medallion in the front part of the canopy. The canopy framed by schematic mouldings.


u spoczywa ś. p. / Jan i Ksenia / Kotowicz/
lewa strona: żył lat 65. + 1922/ syn / KAZIMIERZ / żył lat 25. + 1926. //.
prawa strona: żyła lat 50. + 1917/ córka / ANASTAZYJA / żyła lat 10. + 1925 //.
Proszą o Anioł Pański

Time of origin:
ca. 1927
Lokalizacja nagrobka:
Sector number 2 Tomb number 80
157 x 95 x 92 cm
State of preservation:
mosses, lichens, fragmented structure, cavities, non-maintained finial
Date of documentation:
Author of the documentation sheet:
Maciej Tyszka, Sylwia Niedźwiedź
Development / approval of the documentation sheet:
Bartłomiej Gutowski, dr hab. Anna Sylwia Czyż, prof. ucz.
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