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ID: POL-001680-P

Savings Bank in Stanislawow

ID: POL-001680-P

Savings Bank in Stanislawow

The Savings Bank was the first modern financial institution of the city of Stanislavov. Founded at the end of 1867 on the initiative of members of the city council: the future director of the Savings Bank, Kassel Kieler, the lawyer Karol Kwiatkowski and the entrepreneur Selig Rubinstein, it was originally housed in the premises of the city council in the city hall.

After fifteen years of successful operation, the fund's board decided to build its own premises. Land was purchased at the junction of Kazimierzowska and Rogulskiego Streets and an architectural competition was announced. The competition was published in 1882 in the "Dźwignia" magazine of the Lviv Polytechnic Society, which meant that the project covered the whole of Galicia. The jury, which included Julian Zachariewicz (the future architect of the national Galician Savings Bank in Lviv, built in 1890) selected the winner - architect and building entrepreneur Rajmund Meus, whose activities at the turn of the century and the beginning of the 20th century were mainly associated with Krakow. Construction quickly began, taking two years. In 1884 the building of the Savings Bank faced Kazimierzowska Street. The two-storey building, covered with a high French roof, was one of the most magnificent buildings in Stanislawow at that time. Its pedestal was decorated with a rare diamond rustication referring to the splendour of an Italian palazzo. The ground-floor walls were decorated with longitudinally rusticated regular mouldings, resting one on top of the other. The first floor of the box office is decorated with pilasters that simultaneously flank the semicircular windows.

On the main axis of the building, against the background of a high canopy "crowned" with an openwork metal balustrade, there is an allegorical sculpture made in 1884 in an academic style by Tomasz Dykas, at that time still a relatively unknown artist, who nevertheless won the first prize in two consecutive competitions for the Mickiewicz monument in Krakow in 1882 and 1885. A Stanislav composition consisting of two aloof female figures facing each other, symbolising work and frugality, set on a small gable with a once-gilded inscription: "Savings Bank".

On the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the Savings Bank, the Stanislav journalist and writer Vladislav Ciesielski compared the architecture of its building to the style of urban Belgian buildings because of the regularity of their division, which was also applied to the facades of the national Savings Bank in Lviv. The shapes of the windows, the loftiness of the roof with symmetrically spaced needles (or vases) and the allegorical sculptural group in the centre of the building's composition were also taken into account here.

The following years of splendour saw the expansion of the ticket office. The extension carried out in 1894-1896 along Rogulskiego Street, strictly following the style of the existing building, transformed it into a stylistically uniform L-shaped block.

In 1910, the building underwent another major renovation. At that time, all the building's communications were modernised and new elements were introduced into the interior design. The main operating theatre and entrance hall were panelled in Bohemian marble. The huge window of the main staircase received an Art Nouveau stained-glass window with field flower motifs, made by the S.G. Żeleński Stained-glass Works in Kraków. New terrazzo flooring was made by Dominik Serafini's company in Stanislaw. Offices and rooms decorated with specially commissioned paintings were furnished with new furniture.

The building of the Savings Bank miraculously did not suffer any damage in the First World War, in heavily devastated Stanislawow. During the Second Republic, the Polish Savings Bank prospered at the same address. The building survived the Second World War. In the USSR it became the headquarters of the Savings Bank, and today the National Savings Bank of Ukraine is located here at 14 Hetmana Mazepa Street.

Location: 14 Hetmana Mazepy Street, Stanislaviv, Ukraine

Related persons:
Time of origin:
Rajmund Meus (architekt; Kraków)(preview)
Ostatnia aktualizacja:
Żaneta Komar
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