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ID: POL-001994-P

Parish Church of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross in Obroszyn

Obroszyn | Ukraine
ukr. Obroszyne (Оброшине)
ID: POL-001994-P

Parish Church of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross in Obroszyn

Obroszyn | Ukraine
ukr. Obroszyne (Оброшине)

History of the parish church in Obroszyn
Although the history of Obroszyn village goes back to the 15th century, the beginning of the parish took place in 1793, when it was founded by Archbishop Ferdinand Onufry Kicki. Thanks to Archbishop Kicki, construction of the church began before the creation of the parish, in 1788, and was completed in 1791, when the church was consecrated by its founder. The archbishop, who died in 1797, was buried in the temple.

At the beginning of the 19th century, work was underway to equip the church (items belonging to the archbishop, such as a gilded monstrance, brass candlesticks, albs and tablecloths and others were donated to the church). By the early 1820s, however, it was found that the church furnishings were quite modest.

From the mid-19th century, it was reported that the parish church in Obroszyn was in a bad condition and some of the furnishings inside were damaged. The cemetery also needed repairs.

The church in Obroszyn was repaired only in 1930. The walls of the church were painted and plastered and three altars in Neo-Baroque style, made by sculptor Jan Wojtowicz, were purchased. The organ was also repaired at this time, although we know that it could not be brought into use as late as 1932.

After the outbreak of the Second World War, in 1940, the organ was given to the Holy Cross Elevation Church to be furnished. After the outbreak of the Second World War, new furnishings were transferred from the chapel at the castle in Obroszyn to equip the Church of the Elevation of the Holy Cross. After the end of the war, the church was used as a pigsty by the local kolkhoz. In later years, the church was abandoned and today is in a state of disrepair.

Only ruins remain of the Church of the Elevation of the Holy Cross in Obroshyn, located near the palace of Lviv archbishops and the Greek-Catholic church.

The temple was a brick and plastered building, built on a cross plan. It had a single-span nave and presbytery and a transept. Today, the church has no vaults, but in the past it had sagittal vaults in the nave and annexes in the chancel, and the arms of the transept were covered with cradles. The façade of the church is single-storey and single-axis, covered with an abutment.

The architecture of the church in Obrošyn was similar to that of the All Saints' Church in Hodovica. In its architecture, the Obrochyn church was similar to the All Saints' Church in Hodovica (the work of architect Bernard Meretyn), but simplified significantly.

Furnishing and painting decoration
The former equipment of the church in Obrošyn consisted of a set of neo-Baroque altars, made in 1930 by Jan Wojtowicz, which joined the earlier wooden altars, including the main altar dating from the 18th century. Other furnishings, such as liturgical vessels and vestments, but now lost, were also noted.

Two silver reliquaries survived from the church furnishings and were transferred to the parish church of Sacred Heart of Jesus. They were transferred to the parish church of the Sacred Heart of Jesus in Chojna Szczecinska.

The walls and vaulting of the church in Obrošyn were decorated with wall paintings by an anonymous author, dating from the end of the 18th century and the beginning of the next century.

Related persons:
Time of origin:
Jan Wojtowicz (rzeźbiarz; Polska)(preview)
  • Marek Walczak, „Kościół parafialny p.w. Podwyższenia Krzyża Świętego w Obroszynie”, [w:] „Materiały do dziejów sztuki sakralnej na ziemiach wschodnich dawnej Rzeczpospolitej”, red. Ostrowski Jan K., Cz. I: „Kościoły i klasztory rzymskokatolickie dawnego województwa ruskiego.”, Kraków 2001, t. 9, s. 115-122.
Magdalena Puchalska
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