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Polska Kwatera Wojenna, photo Rada OPWiM, 2009
Licencja: all rights reserved
Fotografia przedstawiająca Polish war quarters
Polska Kwatera Wojenna, photo Rada OPWiM, 2009
Licencja: all rights reserved
Fotografia przedstawiająca Polish war quarters
Polska Kwatera Wojenna, photo Rada OPWiM, 2009
Licencja: all rights reserved
Fotografia przedstawiająca Polish war quarters
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ID: WOJ-000667-W (HU-0008)

Polish war quarters

ID: WOJ-000667-W (HU-0008)

Polish war quarters

In September 1939, thousands of civilian and military refugees crossed the Polish-Hungarian border. Thanks to the favour of the Hungarian authorities and society, Poles found shelter and were cared for. The Hungarian Ministry of War took care of the military internees, while the Ministry of the Interior took care of the civilians. The number of Polish military internees in the initial period of exile is estimated at about 33,000 privates and officers, distributed in camps.

There are 15 graves of Polish war refugees who died during the Second World War in a compact cemetery in Budakeszi. Among them are 5 soldiers and officers of the Polish Army (including one unknown).

In 1978, the renovation of the cemetery plot was carried out by the workers of the Rzeszowski Przedsiębiorstwo Budownictwa Przemysłowego, employed on contracts in Hungary, in the so-called social deed. In 2009. The Council for the Protection of Struggle and Martyrdom Sites rebuilt the cemetery section, giving it a uniform appearance: new grave crosses and the main cross were placed and made of granite. The plot occupies a rectangular area delimited by six stone pillars of the same stone. The main cross bears the inscription in Polish and Hungarian: "To the Poles / who in the years / 1939-1945 / rested in eternal sleep / far from / their native land / Compatriots".

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