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ID: POL-002075-P

Public chapel of St. Stanislaus the Bishop in Stara Wieś

ID: POL-002075-P

Public chapel of St. Stanislaus the Bishop in Stara Wieś

Variants of the name:
Cerkiew p.w. Narodzenia Najświętszej Marii Panny

Historical outline
There are (at least) three localities named "Old Village" in Ukraine. One is located in the Zychachiv region, the second in the Zhovkva region and the third in the Drohobych region. In this text, we take the object located in the latter. Nowadays, it is easier to find it under the name of "Stare Sioło" (in English: Stare Selo). In the past, it was also referred to as "Stare Wacowice". It lies just 4 km north of Drohobych. It is known to have belonged to the Wacowski family in 1507, and to Jan Ramult at the end of the 16th century. At the beginning of the 17th century it was purchased by Aleksander Stadnicki. In the 19th and 20th centuries, in turn, it was owned by the Tarnowskis. In 1892, Count Stanislaw Tarnowski not only founded, but also designed the chapel. It was consecrated a short while later. Essential masses were held three times a year: on the patron saint's day and on Christmas and Easter. In addition, the building was used for funeral occasions and May and October services. The village originally belonged to the parish in Drohobych, and in the 20th inter-war period to the parish in Václavice.

After the Second World War almost the entire Polish population of the village was resettled to the Recovered Territories. In 1945, the chapel was handed over to Greek Catholics. However, it was soon closed and fell into disrepair until the end of the USSR. In 1991, it was repaired and a new wooden belfry was erected.

The chapel, compared to other buildings in the area, stands out above all because of its resemblance to intimate old Polish churches. It was built of wood on a rectangular ground plan. The body is uniform. The "nave" section flows smoothly into the trilateral closed chancel. From the entrance there was an open porch, supported by four wooden pillars. Today it has been built over and is a kind of small, symbolic porch. Around this vestibule, rectangular windows were placed in line with the window openings in the nave section. However, they differ in the arrangement of the muntin bars and the orientation. In the nave it is vertical, in the porch horizontal. The roofs over the nave and the porch are pitched. There is a tripartite roof over the chancel. These were originally covered with shingles. They have now been clad in sheet metal. In the middle of the ridge of the nave is a slender signal box, octagonal in plan, covered with a pyramidal roof. In front of the chapel, on the south-west side, a new wooden bell tower was erected in the 1990s.

The wooden music choir is accessible via steps in the north-west corner. Nothing remains of the original furnishings, apart from the painting "Our Lady of Czestochowa".

Time of origin:
Stanisław Tarnowski (Polska)
  • Ewa Herniczek „Kaplica publiczna p.w. Św. Stanisława Biskupa w Starej Wsi”. W: „Materiały do dziejów sztuki sakralnej na ziemiach wschodnich dawnej Rzeczypospolitej". Cz. 1: Kościoły i klasztory rzymskokatolickie dawnego województwa ruskiego” T. 6. Kraków: Międzynarodowe Centrum Kultury w Krakowie, 1998, s. 177-179.
Ostatnia aktualizacja:
Michał Dziadosz
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