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ID: POL-002252-P

Parish Church of the Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Djurkov

ID: POL-002252-P

Parish Church of the Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Djurkov

Historical outline
The village lies about 15 km north-east of Kolomyia and about 10 km north-west of Gwoździec. Džurkov was first mentioned in the 16th century, when Helia Dimidecka was recorded as the owner of the village. Later the trace is lost and the sources are silent about the fate of this estate until the 19th century, when it was ruled by Andrzej Przybysławski. Subsequent owners include the Bogdanowicz and Donigiewicz families, and in the inter-war period the Tenenblatt and Tisch families.

For many centuries Dżurków was subordinate to the parish in Gwoździec. At the beginning of the 20th century, however, an expatriate parish was established here, which became an independent parish in 1925. As Światosław Lenartowicz writes in his study of the building, the care of the parish was exercised by the Bernardines from Gwoździec. However, a wooden church had existed here since around 1875 and was initially treated as a public chapel. When there was already an independent parish in Dzurkow, there was a need for a larger, fully-fledged facility. The existing one seemed to be insufficient. In addition, according to sources from 1931, it had neither an organ nor a baptismal font. In 1932, however, it was decided to renovate the old building. Unfortunately, it was closed after the Second World War and demolished between 1951 and 1952. Today, a wooden cross stands in its place.

In the 1930s, organisations such as the Catholic Men's Association, the Confraternity of the Blessed Sacrament, the Living Rosary Association and the Third Order of St Francis were active at the parish.

The building was situated on a small hill, east of the village centre. It was a wooden church, built on a stone foundation. It was built on the plan of a cross, the longitudinal arm of which consisted of a nave and a chancel, while the transverse arms probably contained chapels. The altar section faced north. There was a rectangular porch next to the nave and a vestry next to the chancel. The windows in the building were rectangular. The attention was drawn to the dome, which rose (more or less) in the middle of the building, ending in a cross. The roofs were covered with sheet metal.

According to Swiatosław Lenartowicz in his study of the building, the church no longer exists, and it has not been possible to identify the deported pieces of equipment. However, there is an assumption that some of them are still in the church in Witnica today. Interestingly, only one photograph of the church has survived (from the 1930s), from which a more concrete idea of the temple can be formed.

Time of origin:
  • Światosław Lenartowicz, „Kościół parafialny pw. Nawiedzenia Najświętszej Panny Marii w Dżurkowie”, w: „Materiały do dziejów sztuki sakralnej na ziemiach wschodnich dawnej Rzeczypospolitej”, cz. 1: „Kościoły i klasztory rzymskokatolickie dawnego województwa ruskiego”, Kraków: Międzynarodowe Centrum Kultury w Krakowie, 2010, ISBN 978-83-89273-69-74, t. 18, s. 75-77.
Ostatnia aktualizacja:
Michał Dziadosz
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