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ID: POL-002260-P

Parish Church of St. John Cantius in Novostavce

ID: POL-002260-P

Parish Church of St. John Cantius in Novostavce

Historical outline
The village is located approximately 7.5 km north-east of Buczacz. The owners include Jan Potocki (late 18th and early 19th century), Meliton Pięczykowski (until the mid-19th century) and the Czajkowski family (until the inter-war period).

At the beginning of the 20th century, efforts to establish an independent parish in Novostavce began. Initially, an exposition was established here (1911) and plans for the construction of a new church building were initiated. This was because it was considered that the one erected in 1882 was not sufficient. It was finally possible to extend and renovate the "old" church.

However, it suffered severe damage during the First World War and for a very long time repairs could not be carried out. This was due to the rather poor financial condition of the community. In 1925, the exposition was raised to the status of a full-fledged parish, and two years later, on the initiative of Father Walenty Garczyński, it was possible to renovate the church.

As Piotr Krasny writes in his study of the building, it was destroyed by artillery shelling in 1944. After the end of the Second World War, the remains of the walls were demolished, using the bricks and stone to build kolkhoz buildings.

Within the parish there were public chapels in Vojkovka (dated 1934)' and in Pilawa.

The building was located on the south-western edge of the village, on the road to Podzameczek. The chancel faced north-west. It was a brick and plastered building. It consisted of a three-bay nave and chancel. The church was dominated by rectangular windows, closed with a semicircle. As a supplement in the front wall there was a circular window, (or oculus) located above the entrance opening and probably providing light to the music choir.

The elevations were raised on a plinth and lacked vertical articulation. They were separated from the roof section by a prominent frieze of rectangular panels and a profiled cornice.

The façade was single-axis, single-storey and closed with a triangular gable, simple in form, consisting of three fields. In the central field was a rectangular recess containing a painting of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and an inscription: MEMORIAL | DEDICATION OF THE PARISH | TO THE MOST HOLY HEART OF JESUS. The whole was crowned with a cross at the very top.

The nave was covered by a gable roof. The turret was covered with sheet metal. The whole was topped with a high pyramidal cupola with a cross.

The building does not exist. It is also difficult to determine its furnishings.

Time of origin:
  • Piotr Krasny, „Kościół parafialny pw. św. Jana Kantego w Nowostawcach”, w: „Materiały do dziejów sztuki sakralnej na ziemiach wschodnich dawnej Rzeczypospolitej”, cz. 1: „Kościoły i klasztory rzymskokatolickie dawnego województwa ruskiego”, Kraków: Międzynarodowe Centrum Kultury w Krakowie, 2010, ISBN 978-83-89273-69-74, t. 18, s. 157-159.
Ostatnia aktualizacja:
Michał Dziadosz
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