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ID: dok-000647-P

Cemetery in Dunilovichi

ID: dok-000647-P

Cemetery in Dunilovichi

The church cemetery is located next to the late Baroque Holy Trinity Church. In the cemetery, on the north-eastern side, 2 tombstones of priests have been preserved, in a plot fenced with an iron fence. They are vertical slabs of granite, topped with crosses. They are the burial places of Rev. Stanisław Bobel from 1929 and Rev. Eugeniusz Łotecki from 1943. The preserved inscriptions proclaim: / KS. EUGENIUSZ ŁATECKI / PASTOR OF DROZDOWSZCZYZNA / BORN IN ZGIERZ / ORDAINED IN 1934 IN LUBLIN / AT THE MISSIONARY SEMINARY / MURDERED 20 VI 1943. / 9 YEARS OLD / 38 YEARS OF LIFE / BURIED IN DUNILOWICZE / "LORD FORGIVE THEM, FOR / THEY KNOW NOT WHAT THEY DO"/. / PRIEST / STANISLAW BOBEL / PASTOR OF DUNILOWICZE / DIED ON 20 MARCH 1929 / AT THE AGE OF 40 / TO HIS BELOVED PASTOR GRATEFUL PARISHIONERS /.
The inactive Catholic-Orthodox cemetery, established in the first half of the 19th century, is located 400 m from the centre of the town and the church. The irregularly-planned cemetery, defined by a smooth line of elevation, covers an area of 1.5 ha. Most of the preserved tombstones have been considerably damaged, and it was possible to read the inscription of only 7 burials from the 2nd half of the 19th century: /D. O. M. / TU RESTYWAJA ZWLOKI / S. S. ZOFIA / KIERSNOWSKA / BORN. 1831 R. MAY 15 / + 1857 R. MAY 8/. / BRONISLAWA/ZARNIAWSKA / 1887/./ STANISLAW / STRUNEWICZ/ + / 1887/./ S. P. / DOCTOR JAN / ZYRKIEWICZ/ Z.M. 22 NOV. 1890 R. / AGED 72/./ S. P. JEDRZEJ ZYRKIEWICZ / BORN. 30 NOVEMBER 1784 / DIED. 6 MAY 1871 / ASKS FOR A SIGH TO GOD/./ JOZEFA/ WNOROWSKA/ D. 8 MARCH 1879 / PARENTS AND FRIEND/ DEDICATE/./ HERE LIES/ SZYMKO (...) / 1886 10.18/ + 1889/.
3 The active Catholic cemetery, established in the early 20th century, is located approx. 800 m west of the church. The rectangular-plan cemetery with a sloping south side, situated on a slight hill, occupies an area of 2.5 ha and is fenced in by a mesh fence with an entrance gate on the east side. An irregular path runs through the cemetery. The oldest grave, in the form of a granite vertical slab topped with a cross, dating from 1908, is that of Karolina Pietkowska and Władysław Hańczar. The preserved inscription reads: / KAROLINA PIETKOWSKA/ UM. 1908 R. 19 LUT./ L/ 96/ WŁADYSŁAW HAŃCZAR/ UM. 1912 R. 19 ST./ L. 45/. The gravestone of the Siemaszko couple is worth special attention - on a granite base carved into a stone mound, there is a stylized tree trunk with cut branches made of granite. The whole is crowned by a cross of wooden beams with an inscription plaque in the form of parchment, proclaiming: / KONSTANCJA Z JAKOWICKICH - JELNIANSKICH/ SIEMASZKO / 2M. 10 XII 1918.R. / AT THE AGE OF 75/ SEBASTIAN BRUNON KAZIMIERZ/ SIEMASZKO / D. DN. 13 VII 1917 / AT THE AGE OF 82 / IN FOLW. LACHOWSZCZYZNA / SPOUSES AFTER 52 YEARS OF MARRIAGE / IN MEMORY OF DEAR PARENTS / WHO WERE / AN EXAMPLE OF DEVOTION / AND CIVIC VIRTUES /.
The war cemetery, established in 1920, is located approx. 120 m south of the town's main street. The cemetery is well-kept and preserved. It covers an area of 625m2 and is enclosed by a low metal fence with a gate on the north side. On the entrance axis, in the centre of the establishment, there is a large wooden cross, behind it four rectangular gravestones, on both sides of the cross rows of graves with concrete crosses (53 crosses). Those who died in the Polish-Bolshevik war of 1920 are buried here. In the centre of the cemetery is the pedestal of a monument, not preserved to this day. The inscription on the monument is as follows:/ PRESIDENT OF THE COMMITTEE / PRESIDENT - WACŁAW WEBER /SERRETARY - WLADYSLAW BULAL / TREASURER - ALBERT NAWROCKI/ ANTONI (...) KORE/ side: CONSTRUCTED BY THE COMMITTEE / STAYING UNDER THE PATRONAGE / WIKTOR NIEDZWIECKI - STAROSTY / AND. HONORARY MEMBER / JOZEF HR. TYSZKIEWICZ / D-CY 3 go P(...) FL. ULRYCHA / side: / consecrated on 20 JUNE 1930(6?) / IN THE PERIOD/ OF/ THE PRESIDENT OF THE RAPAIGN GOVERNMENT. RZP. / IGNACY MOSCICKI / BY THE REV. PROB. STANISŁAW MOŻEJKA/.
The Jewish cemetery was established in the second half of the 18th century and is located in the western part of the village, approx. 800 m from the church. The cemetery is surrounded by buildings to the north and by a bend in the river to the east. The cemetery has an irregular ground plan and covers an area of approx. 1.9 ha. The cemetery is not divided into alleys and plots, the graves are distributed freely throughout the cemetery. Approximately 600 matzevot have been preserved. The cemetery is very neglected, most of the tombstones are damaged and overturned.
Information about the cemetery has been published (see bibliography).
  • „Cmentarze polskie poza granicami kraju” , raport, oprac. B. Gutowski, Warszawa 2022 (maszynopis).
  • Lewkowska Anna, Lewkowski Jacek, Walczak Wojciech, „Zabytkowe cmentarze na Kresach Wschodnich Drugiej Rzeczypospolitej. Województwo wileńskie na obszarze Republiki Białoruś”, Warszawa 2007.
Bartłomiej Gutowski, Salomea Grabowska
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