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Fotografia przedstawiająca Tombstone of František Krina
Public domain
Fotografia przedstawiająca Tombstone of František Krina
ID: NGR-011892-P

Tombstone of František Krina

Burial place originally marked probably by cross on plinth. Finial not preserved. The plinth on a two-stepped base, closed with a semicircle, on the front with a panel on which is a tin plaque with a painted inscription. Above, traces of the attachment of a photograph are visible.
Tu odpoczywa / ŚP /  FRANCISZEK KRINA [...] //.
Time of origin:
First half of the 20th century.
Lokalizacja nagrobka:
Tomb number 27
120 x 100 x 220 cm
sandstone, sheet, porcelain / faience / porcelite
Additional Information about materials:
finial - sandstone; photograph - porcelain
State of preservation:
photograph not preserved, mosses, lichens, inscription partly obliterated
Comments on the state of preservation and visible restoration:
traces of a broken photograph on porcelain
Date of documentation:
Author of the documentation sheet:
Agnieszka Rutkowska
Development / approval of the documentation sheet:
Bartłomiej Gutowski
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