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ID: dok-000963-P

Cemetery in Trokiel

Trokiele | Belarus
biał. Trakiełi (Тракелі)
ID: dok-000963-P

Cemetery in Trokiel

Trokiele | Belarus
biał. Trakiełi (Тракелі)
Cemetery with Polish gravestone monuments. Information about the cemetery has been published (see bibliography).
According to Anna Lewkowska, Jacek Lewkowski and Wojciech Walczak, the cemetery in Trokiel is located next to a wooden church on a 0.4 ha square. Eight tombstones and a burial chapel have been preserved there. Brygida Szukiewicz, née Pienicka, is buried there. The stone tablet bears the inscription: "HOUSE OF ETERNAL REPENTANCE / THE ETERNAL MORTALITY OF MISTER BRYGIDA OF PIENICICH / SHUKIEWICZOWA / WRITER OF THE LAND OF SLONIM. Ro: 1803 APRY: 16 DAY. / LEPLEY GO TO THE MORTAL HOUSE THAN TO / THE HOUSE OF DIGNITY, FOR IN IT IS REMEMBERED / THE END OF ALL PEOPLE / AND THE LIVING MAN THINKS WHAT WILL BE AT THE END. in Ekle: ch: 7". The cemetery is maintained in good condition.
There is also an active Catholic cemetery in Trokiel. It has a rectangular plan and a 0.8 ha area fenced with a stone wall. It was created in the 2nd half of the 19th century. The gate bears the signature: "Wołyncewicz Mieczysław Hermaniszki" and the date "1937". The oldest gravestone, from 1886, has the form of a stone stele with a cast-iron crucifix and an inscription: "D. O. M. Ś. P. / MARYANA / KRYSTYNA AND ADAMA / BICZECÓW / 1886". To quote the aforementioned authors, "there is a definite predominance of styleless, contemporary gravestones in the cemetery. The process of displacement of old burials by new ones is also evident. (...) The state of preservation is good."
  • „Cmentarze polskie poza granicami kraju” , raport, oprac. B. Gutowski, Warszawa 2022 (maszynopis).
  • Lewkowska Anna, Lewkowski Jacek, Walczak Wojciech, „Zabytkowe cmentarze na Kresach Wschodnich Drugiej Rzeczypospolitej. Wschodnie powiaty dawnego województwa białostockiego (obecnie na terenie Białorusi), Warszawa 2007.
Bartłomiej Gutowski, Dawid Mendrek
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