Portrait of Adam Koc, photo nieznany, przed 1937
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Photo showing Adam Koc
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ID: OS-001624-P/112021

Adam Koc

ID: OS-001624-P/112021

Adam Koc

First name:


Last Name:



Witold, Szlachetny, Adam Krajewski, Adam Warmiński, Witold Warmiński

Drugie imię:



Włodzimierz Koc i Heleną z domu Pisanko

Date of birth:


Place of birth:


Date of death:





independence activist, politician, journalist, MP, military

Honours and awards:

Krzyż Srebrny Orderu Wojskowego Virtuti Militari, Krzyż Komandorski z Gwiazdą Orderu Odrodzenia Polski, Krzyż Niepodległości z Mieczami, Krzyż Oficerski Orderu Odrodzenia Polski, Krzyż Walecznych, Złoty Krzyż Zasługi, Krzyż Zasługi Wojsk Litwy Środkowej, Medal Pamiątkowy za Wojnę 1918–1921, Medal Dziesięciolecia Odzyskanej Niepodległości Odznaka za Rany i Kontuzje, Znak oficerski „Parasol”, Odznaka pamiątkowa POW, Odznaka Sztabu Generalnego, Komandor Orderu Lwa Białego, Oficer Orderu Legii Honorowej


Adam Koc (1891-1969), was born in Suwałki, where he completed his primary education. Already at that time, he was involved in pro-independence activities, participating in self-education meetings. He was then sent to study at the Faculty of Philosophy of the Jagiellonian University in Kraków. There he became involved in pro-independence activities, under the banner of radical national youth. He became active in the Riflemen's Association. He served in the Polish Military Organisation, the Polish Legions and the Polish Army. In 1920, he became a lieutenant-colonel and took part in the Polish-Soviet War. In 1928, he became an MP for the Non-Partisan Bloc for Cooperation with the Government. In 1939, he left for London. There he became Minister of the Treasury of the Government in Exile. In 1940, he left the UK for the United States by ship. There he co-founded the Polish Institute of Arts and Sciences in America. He died on 3 February 1969 in the Franklin Delano Roosevelt Hospital in New York.



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Portrait of Adam Koc
Portrait of Adam Koc, photo nieznany, przed 1937

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