Jazloviec cemetery, photo Bartłomiej Gutowski, 2006
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Photo showing Jazloviec cemetery
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ID: CM-000023-P/1084

Jazloviec cemetery

ID: CM-000023-P/1084

Jazloviec cemetery

The cemetery in Jazlovets is located on a hill, at the entrance to the town on the road leading from Buchach. It has an irregular plan and covers an area of approximately 1.5 ha. From the south-west the necropolis was surrounded by a wall in 1843, from the north-west it borders the new Ukrainian cemetery, which has been open since 1974. The cemetery was most probably established at the turn of the 1880s and 1890s, which is indicated by the oldest preserved tombstone of Katarzyna Czechowicz (d. 1793), née Gribovna Czechowicz. The jazowiec necropolis also contains tombstones of noble families, including those of the Wolański family h. Przyjaciel from the early 19th century, and the Gozdawa Tyszkowski family from the 19th century. Many people important to the town's community are buried there. Among them are doctors, including Michał Antoni Grohsman (died 1867), who opened a water cure facility in Jazłowiec in 1839. Noteworthy are the gravestones of clergymen: priest Michał Brz[...] from Zamość (died 1889), or priest Stanisław Kostka Błażowski (died 1821), parish priest in Jazłowiec in the years 1820-182134. Moreover, the Immaculate Sisters who died during the renewed epidemics are buried here: Maria Salomea Gorczycka (died 1919) and Eliza Sieber (died 1919). The pupils of their school also found their final resting place in the jazłowiec necropolis: Joanna Hohn (died 1899) and Janina Korkozowicz (died 1927).35 In total, 264 objects were inventoried in the Jazłowiec cemetery, including the cemetery chapel (after. Katarzyna Zielińska, 'Jazłowiec', in Cmentarze dawnego powiatu buczackiego, ed. by A. S. Czyż and B. Gutowski, Warsaw, p. 189.

Variants of the name:

Язловець - католицький цвинтар

Time of origin:



katarzyna czechowicz


The cemetery was most probably established at the turn of the 1880s and 1890s, as indicated by the oldest surviving tombstone of Katarzyna Czechowiczowa, née Gribowska (d. 1793).

Active/inactive cemetery:


Comments on the state of preservation and visible restoration:

cleaning works at the cemetery were carried out within the framework of the project "Mogiła pradziada ocal od zapomnienia" in 2016-2019 (https://www.studiowschod.pl/jazlowiec-relacja-z-akcji-mogile-pradziada-ocal-od-zapomnienia, https://www.sp5.boleslawiec.eu/nasi-uczniowie-i-akcja-mogile-pradziada-ocal-od-zapomnienia,286,pl)


  • Karta dokumentacyjna obiektu zabytkowego poza granicami kraju, powiat buczacki, zbiór przechowywany w Ministerstwie Kultury i Dziedzictwa Narodowego, Warszawa., karta cmentarza
  • „Cmentarze dawnego powiatu buczackiego”, pod redakcją Anny Sylwii Czyż Bartłomieja Gutowskiego, Warszawa 2017, s. 187-282
  • „Cmentarze dawnego powiatu zaleszczyckiego, Kaplice, grobowce i nagrobki z inskrypcjami zapisanymi w alfabecie łacińskim (1790–1945)”, red. Anna Sylwia Czyż Bartłomiej Gutowski, Warszawa 2015

Date of documentation:




Ostatnia aktualizacja:


Author of the documentation sheet:

Bartłomiej Gutowski

Development / approval of the documentation sheet:

Bartłomiej Gutowski
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Jazloviec cemetery
Jazloviec cemetery, photo Bartłomiej Gutowski, 2006

List of cemetery objects

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