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ID: dok-000806-P/96114

Cemetery in Mialka

ID: dok-000806-P/96114

Cemetery in Mialka

The active Catholic cemetery (formerly a parochial cemetery), established in the late 19th century, is located on the southern edge of the village. The cemetery is square in plan, located on a flat area. It covers an area of 0.09 hectares and is enclosed by a stone rampart with a contemporary metal gate to the west. The oldest surviving gravestone is a granite pedestal with a flat cross and the inscription: / HERE REST THE REMAINS/ OF JOZEF AND IGNACY/ JAGIEŁOWICZUW/ FATHER AND SON/ UM. 1905 R. Ż. L. 70 I 30/. The cemetery is preserved in good condition.
Information about the cemetery has been published (see bibliography).


Bartłomiej Gutowski, Salomea Grabowska
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