The portal of the Poniatowski Palace after the works have been completed, photo Archiwum Programu Ochrona / Instytut Polonika, 2019, all rights reserved
Photo showing Former Poniatowski Palace (now the convent of the Immaculate Convent), restoration works
The portal of the Poniatowski Palace after the works have been completed, photo Archiwum Programu Ochrona / Instytut Polonika, 2019, all rights reserved
Photo showing Former Poniatowski Palace (now the convent of the Immaculate Convent), restoration works
Renovation of the Palace roof, photo Archiwum Programu Ochrona / Instytut Polonika, 2020, all rights reserved
Photo showing Former Poniatowski Palace (now the convent of the Immaculate Convent), restoration works
Renovation of the Palace roof, photo Archiwum Programu Ochrona / Instytut Polonika, 2020, all rights reserved
Photo showing Former Poniatowski Palace (now the convent of the Immaculate Convent), restoration works
Condition of the portal before conservation, photo Archiwum Programu Ochrona / Instytut Polonika, 2019, all rights reserved
Photo showing Former Poniatowski Palace (now the convent of the Immaculate Convent), restoration works
During the conservation work, photo Archiwum Programu Ochrona / Instytut Polonika, 2019, all rights reserved
Photo showing Former Poniatowski Palace (now the convent of the Immaculate Convent), restoration works
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ID: kons-000004-P/110766

Former Poniatowski Palace (now the convent of the Immaculate Convent), restoration works

ID: kons-000004-P/110766

Former Poniatowski Palace (now the convent of the Immaculate Convent), restoration works

In Jazłowiec (one of the oldest settlements in western Podolia), in the vicinity of a medieval castle, rises the historic palace of the Poniatowski family. Built by Stanisław and Aleksander Koniecpolski in the mid-17th century, the palace was acquired in the 18th century by Stanisław Poniatowski - the father of King Stanisław August. In 1863. the then owner handed it over to the Congregation of the Sisters of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary for use as a monastery.

Works to be carried out in 2019.

The façade of the palace on the garden side features a richly decorated Mannerist stone portal from the early 17th century. In 2010. The Ministry of Culture and National Heritage funded the conservation of the upper section of the portal.

In 2019. POLONIKA Institute has allocated funding to complete the conservation of this work. The programme of works included: cleaning the object from biological and atmospheric layers, strengthening the weakened parts, removing improperly made cement restorations of the portal, structural strengthening of the stone elements, making necessary additions and reconstructions. The works were fully completed.

Executor: Anna Sztymelska-Karczewska

Works carried out in 2020

In 2020. The Polonica Institute proceeded with minor renovation works involving the replacement of part of the monastery's roof covering and the installation of guttering in the most damaged areas.

Executor: Monastery of the Sisters of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Conservation works carried out in 2019-2020, Conservation Programme, Polonica Institute

Time of origin:





Ostatnia aktualizacja:


Rok (lata) prowadzenia prac:

2020, 2019
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The portal of the Poniatowski Palace after the works have been completed Photo showing Former Poniatowski Palace (now the convent of the Immaculate Convent), restoration works Gallery of the object +5
The portal of the Poniatowski Palace after the works have been completed, photo Archiwum Programu Ochrona / Instytut Polonika, 2019, all rights reserved
The portal of the Poniatowski Palace after the works have been completed Photo showing Former Poniatowski Palace (now the convent of the Immaculate Convent), restoration works Gallery of the object +5
The portal of the Poniatowski Palace after the works have been completed, photo Archiwum Programu Ochrona / Instytut Polonika, 2019, all rights reserved
Renovation of the Palace roof Photo showing Former Poniatowski Palace (now the convent of the Immaculate Convent), restoration works Gallery of the object +5
Renovation of the Palace roof, photo Archiwum Programu Ochrona / Instytut Polonika, 2020, all rights reserved
Renovation of the Palace roof Photo showing Former Poniatowski Palace (now the convent of the Immaculate Convent), restoration works Gallery of the object +5
Renovation of the Palace roof, photo Archiwum Programu Ochrona / Instytut Polonika, 2020, all rights reserved
Condition of the portal before conservation Photo showing Former Poniatowski Palace (now the convent of the Immaculate Convent), restoration works Gallery of the object +5
Condition of the portal before conservation, photo Archiwum Programu Ochrona / Instytut Polonika, 2019, all rights reserved
During the conservation work Photo showing Former Poniatowski Palace (now the convent of the Immaculate Convent), restoration works Gallery of the object +5
During the conservation work, photo Archiwum Programu Ochrona / Instytut Polonika, 2019, all rights reserved

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