Digitization of the archival collections of the Polish Institute of Arts and Sciences in America - "Lednicki Collections", photo 2021, all rights reserved
Source: Instytut Polonika
Photo showing Digitization of the archival collections of the Polish Institute of Arts and Sciences in America - \"Lednicki Collections\"
Ze zbiorów archiwalnych Polskiego Instytutu Naukowego w Ameryce, photo 2021, all rights reserved
Source: Instytut Polonika
Photo showing Digitization of the archival collections of the Polish Institute of Arts and Sciences in America - \"Lednicki Collections\"
Ze zbiorów archiwalnych Polskiego Instytutu Naukowego w Ameryce, photo 2021, all rights reserved
Source: Instytut Polonika
Photo showing Digitization of the archival collections of the Polish Institute of Arts and Sciences in America - \"Lednicki Collections\"
Ze zbiorów archiwalnych Polskiego Instytutu Naukowego w Ameryce, photo 2021, all rights reserved
Source: Instytut Polonika
Photo showing Digitization of the archival collections of the Polish Institute of Arts and Sciences in America - \"Lednicki Collections\"
Ze zbiorów archiwalnych Polskiego Instytutu Naukowego w Ameryce, photo 2021, all rights reserved
Source: Instytut Polonika
Photo showing Digitization of the archival collections of the Polish Institute of Arts and Sciences in America - \"Lednicki Collections\"
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ID: spol-000120-P/150619

Digitization of the archival collections of the Polish Institute of Arts and Sciences in America - "Lednicki Collections"

ID: spol-000120-P/150619

Digitization of the archival collections of the Polish Institute of Arts and Sciences in America - "Lednicki Collections"

Information about the object:
The first collection covers the period 1881-1962 and contains 74 subject folders (approximately 3,200 documents), while the second from the period 1936-1967 contains 342 folders (approximately 9,000 documents). These include Waclaw Lednicki's personal correspondence (1900-1932), photocopies of Lednicki's articles and essays published in Russia and Polish newspapers (1905-1906), typescripts of speeches and memoranda (1905-1906) and the journal Russian Prison (1906). There is also political material relating to the Russian State Duma (1905-1917), the Constitutional Democratic Party (Cadets) (1905-1916), the Russian Federalist movement and the Democratic Progressive Party (SPD) (1904), the Provisional Government of Russia, including the official decree signed by Prime Minister Alexander Kieronski in 1917, the Kingdom of Poland and the Polish National Committee on the establishment of an independent Polish state. Materials include photocopies of British Public Records Office documents on Poland and Russian-Polish relations (1905-1918) and documents from the French consulates in Warsaw, Moscow and St Petersburg to the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs on Polish-Russian relations (1904-1910).

Completed works:
The aim of the task was to complete the digitisation of the Lednicki collection. As a result, approximately 2.8 mb (about 7200 pages) of archives from the collection of Aleksander and Wacław Lednicki were digitised.

The archival collections of the Polish Institute of Arts and Sciences in America (PASA) are more than 80 linear metres long and, due to their vastness and the organic resources of the Institute, the process of digitisation is a long and multi-stage one. So far, as of 2016, part of these collections (approximately 3.5 mb of the Wacław Lednicki collection) has been digitised and is available online thanks to funding from an MKiDN grant.

Funding: Programme of the Minister of Culture and National Heritage "Protection of Cultural Heritage Abroad".

More about the project: https://polonika.pl


  • Fundacja na rzecz Dziedzictwa Narodowego imienia Józefa Piłsudskiego, realizacja w roku 2021

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Photo showing Digitization of the archival collections of the Polish Institute of Arts and Sciences in America - \"Lednicki Collections\" Photo showing Digitization of the archival collections of the Polish Institute of Arts and Sciences in America - \"Lednicki Collections\" Gallery of the object +4
Digitization of the archival collections of the Polish Institute of Arts and Sciences in America - "Lednicki Collections", photo 2021, all rights reserved
Photo showing Digitization of the archival collections of the Polish Institute of Arts and Sciences in America - \"Lednicki Collections\" Photo showing Digitization of the archival collections of the Polish Institute of Arts and Sciences in America - \"Lednicki Collections\" Gallery of the object +4
Ze zbiorów archiwalnych Polskiego Instytutu Naukowego w Ameryce, photo 2021, all rights reserved
Photo showing Digitization of the archival collections of the Polish Institute of Arts and Sciences in America - \"Lednicki Collections\" Photo showing Digitization of the archival collections of the Polish Institute of Arts and Sciences in America - \"Lednicki Collections\" Gallery of the object +4
Ze zbiorów archiwalnych Polskiego Instytutu Naukowego w Ameryce, photo 2021, all rights reserved
Photo showing Digitization of the archival collections of the Polish Institute of Arts and Sciences in America - \"Lednicki Collections\" Photo showing Digitization of the archival collections of the Polish Institute of Arts and Sciences in America - \"Lednicki Collections\" Gallery of the object +4
Ze zbiorów archiwalnych Polskiego Instytutu Naukowego w Ameryce, photo 2021, all rights reserved
Photo showing Digitization of the archival collections of the Polish Institute of Arts and Sciences in America - \"Lednicki Collections\" Photo showing Digitization of the archival collections of the Polish Institute of Arts and Sciences in America - \"Lednicki Collections\" Gallery of the object +4
Ze zbiorów archiwalnych Polskiego Instytutu Naukowego w Ameryce, photo 2021, all rights reserved

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