Documentation of Polish cultural heritage in cemeteries in Croatia, photo 2023, all rights reserved
Source: Instytut Polonika
Photo showing Documentation of Polish cultural heritage in Croatia
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ID: spol-000209-P/150721

Documentation of Polish cultural heritage in Croatia

ID: spol-000209-P/150721

Documentation of Polish cultural heritage in Croatia

Information about the object:
In the period before the Second World War in Croatia, as in the rest of the Balkans, emigration from Poland was not very numerous. It is estimated, for example, that in 1930 it was about 4,000 people. The first Poles came to the territory of present-day Croatia after the fall of successive national uprisings, but for the most part they did not form a permanent emigration. It was only at the end of the 19th century that peasant emigration, numbering several thousand people, appeared (it reached both Croatia and most of Bosnia), as well as a less numerous intelligentsia emigration, including doctors, clerks and other professionals. It is estimated that the Croatian and Bosnian territories were inhabited by a total of around 15,000 Poles during the period of the twentieth century. Poles also appeared in Croatia as part of the development of port infrastructure in Pula, Rijeka, Split and Dubrovnik, among others. A group of Poles also appeared in Zagreb and in Staro Petrovo Selo, where Polish settlers had settled in the early 20th century. In 1945, there was a large repatriation campaign. Among the most important Poles buried there is Ludomir Michal Rogowski (d. 1954), a Polish composer (Dubrovnik City Cemetery). The cemetery in Rovinj contains the tombstone of Ignacy Korwin Milewski, which was renovated in 2016 with funds from the Programme of the Minister - Cultural Heritage Protection Abroad.

Completed works:
The aim of the planned documentation work was to collect, compile and disseminate knowledge about the polonics located in Croatian cemeteries, as well as information on their current state of preservation.

List of objects developed as part of the project

Funding: Programme of the Minister of Culture and National Heritage "Protection of cultural heritage abroad"

More about the project:


  • Fundacja Akcja Kultura, realizacja w roku 2023

Time of origin:

late 19th and early 20th centuries.



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Rok (lata) prowadzenia prac:

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Photo showing Documentation of Polish cultural heritage in Croatia
Documentation of Polish cultural heritage in cemeteries in Croatia, photo 2023, all rights reserved

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