Hydroelectric power station in Andelsbuch, photo Böhringer Friedrich, 2007
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Photo showing Hydroelectric power station in Andelsbuch
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ID: pol_info-000490-P/163371

Hydroelectric power station in Andelsbuch

ID: pol_info-000490-P/163371

Hydroelectric power station in Andelsbuch

There is a hydroelectric power station in Andelsbuch, Austria, the construction of which was headed by Gabriel Narutowicz. From 1896, the later Polish president worked for the Swiss engineering firm of Louis Kürsteiner in St. Gallen, where he carried out many successful hydraulic engineering projects. Thanks to his abilities, he was quickly promoted from engineer to office manager and then to partner. From 1906 to 1908, he was in charge of the construction of the hydroelectric power station in Andelsbuch, which was then the largest and most modern power station in Austria-Hungary. The main building of the power station, which houses Francis turbines and five machine units, is a listed building in Andelsbuch.

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Photo showing Hydroelectric power station in Andelsbuch
Hydroelectric power station in Andelsbuch, photo Böhringer Friedrich, 2007

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