Epitaph of Michael Korniakt in Rome, photo Maria Dzieduszycka, 2023
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Photo showing Epitaph of Michael Korniakt in Rome
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ID: POL-001739-P/150100

Epitaph of Michael Korniakt in Rome

ID: POL-001739-P/150100

Epitaph of Michael Korniakt in Rome

In the Basilica of Our Lady of the Heavenly Altar (Scala dell'Arce Capitolina) in Rome, on the pillar separating the chapel of St Jerome from the chapel of the Crucifix is the epitaph of Michael Korniakt (1575-1594), the eldest son of Konstantin and Anna of Dzieduszycki, who died in Rome on 18 March 1594 during an educational journey to which he had been sent by his parents. The epitaph is made of marble and alabaster. It measures approximately 280 x 126 cm.

The marble polychrome bust of the young man, measuring 255 x 140 cm, was made by Nicolas Cordier (1567-1612), a French painter and sculptor known in Rome as Il Franciosino. Beneath it we can read the Latin inscription:
D.O.M. / Michaeli Corniact nobili Polono - / magnae spei adolescenti / generis amplitudine animi eximio - / candore et morum elegantia / praecellenti qui parentum monitu - / ad perdiscendas bonas artes / lustrandaque florentissima regna peregre -. / profectus romaeque / immature morte interceptus - / in coelestem pro terrena rediit patriam / Constantinus et Alexander Corniacti - / fratres germani nimium moerentes posuere / Vixit annos xix obiit anno dni M.D.XCIV. - die XVIII Martii //.

Related persons:

Time of origin:

ca. 1595


Nicolas Cordier (rzeźbiarz; Francja)




Ostatnia aktualizacja:



Maria Dzieduszycka
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Photo showing Epitaph of Michael Korniakt in Rome
Epitaph of Michael Korniakt in Rome, photo Maria Dzieduszycka, 2023

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