The grave of an interned Polish soldier from 1939 in the "Pacea" cemetery, photo MKiDN, 2023
License: all rights reserved
Photo showing The grave of an interned Polish soldier from 1939 in the Pacea cemetery
The grave of an interned Polish soldier from 1939 in the "Pacea" cemetery, photo MKiDN, 2023
License: all rights reserved
Photo showing The grave of an interned Polish soldier from 1939 in the Pacea cemetery
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ID: WOJ-000443-W/149626 (RO-0064)

The grave of an interned Polish soldier from 1939 in the Pacea cemetery

ID: WOJ-000443-W/149626 (RO-0064)

The grave of an interned Polish soldier from 1939 in the Pacea cemetery

The Pacea cemetery on Parcului Street contains the grave of Paweł Krukar, a Polish soldier interned in Romania in September 1939, who died shortly after crossing the Polish-Romanian border. The grave is located on one of the main alleys of the cemetery. In 1976, with funds from the then Council for the Protection of Monuments to Struggle and Martyrdom, the present monument was erected on this grave. The form of the gravestone is a white cross rising above the headstone, with a black cross of smaller size drawn in. At the base of the cross is a light-coloured marble plaque with the inscription: "Here rests / Ś.P./ Ś P.PAWEŁ KRUKAR/ ŻOŁNIERZ/ WOJSKA POLSKIEGO/ POLYNIE POLYŁEMY / POLYNIE POLYŻNA / WE WRZEŚŚNIU 1939" Above it is placed a plaque with Romanian text.



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The grave of an interned Polish soldier from 1939 in the "Pacea" cemetery Photo showing The grave of an interned Polish soldier from 1939 in the Pacea cemetery Gallery of the object +1
The grave of an interned Polish soldier from 1939 in the "Pacea" cemetery, photo MKiDN, 2023
The grave of an interned Polish soldier from 1939 in the "Pacea" cemetery Photo showing The grave of an interned Polish soldier from 1939 in the Pacea cemetery Gallery of the object +1
The grave of an interned Polish soldier from 1939 in the "Pacea" cemetery, photo MKiDN, 2023

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