The grave of airman Maj. Franciszek Kaszny in the municipal cemetery., photo MKiDN, 2018
License: all rights reserved
Photo showing Grave of Airman Major Franciszek Kaszny in the municipal cemetery
The grave of airman Maj. Franciszek Kaszny in the municipal cemetery., photo MKiDN, 2018
License: all rights reserved
Photo showing Grave of Airman Major Franciszek Kaszny in the municipal cemetery
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ID: WOJ-000124-W/73619 (FR-0272)

Grave of Airman Major Franciszek Kaszny in the municipal cemetery

ID: WOJ-000124-W/73619 (FR-0272)

Grave of Airman Major Franciszek Kaszny in the municipal cemetery

In the municipal cemetery of Saint-Jean-d'Angély, there is a small war plot which is not separated by a fence from the other burials in the cemetery. It rests nine French soldiers who died during the First World War. In the second row of graves, right next to the central monument, a Polish air force officer is buried - Major Franciszek Kaszny, who died during a training flight at the communications training centre on 18.03.1940. All the gravestones in the quarter have the form of crosses, the surface of the grave fields and the spaces between them are strewn with grit. The grave of Franciszek Kaszny does not differ from the others. The name is misspelled on the tablet - the text of the inscription: "KASCHNY COMMANDANT / AVIATEUR POLONAIS 18-3-40". The central monument relates to those killed in the period 1914-1918, and was most likely erected before the war. The inscription on it is as follows: "SOUVENIR / FRANCAIS / 1914-1918 / SOUVIENS TOI / ILS SONT MORTS / POUR QUE NOUS / RESTIONS FRANCAIS" (French memorial 1914-1918, remember - they died so that we might remain French). The graves are in the care of the association Le Souvenir Français.

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The grave of airman Maj. Franciszek Kaszny in the municipal cemetery. Photo showing Grave of Airman Major Franciszek Kaszny in the municipal cemetery Gallery of the object +1
The grave of airman Maj. Franciszek Kaszny in the municipal cemetery., photo MKiDN, 2018
The grave of airman Maj. Franciszek Kaszny in the municipal cemetery. Photo showing Grave of Airman Major Franciszek Kaszny in the municipal cemetery Gallery of the object +1
The grave of airman Maj. Franciszek Kaszny in the municipal cemetery., photo MKiDN, 2018

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