Grave of a Polish officer from 1920 in the Catholic cemetery, photo MKiDN, 1995
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Photo showing Grave in the Catholic cemetery of a Polish Army officer killed in the Polish-Bolshevik war
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ID: WOJ-000099-W/58281 (LV-0021c)

Grave in the Catholic cemetery of a Polish Army officer killed in the Polish-Bolshevik war

ID: WOJ-000099-W/58281 (LV-0021c)

Grave in the Catholic cemetery of a Polish Army officer killed in the Polish-Bolshevik war

In the Catholic cemetery in Dyneburg, near the so-called "Tomb of the Unknown Soldier", there is a grave of a Polish officer of unknown name killed or dead during the 1920 Latgalian campaign. A small concrete cross and an earth-filled border have been preserved. In 2021, the Foundation Aid to Poles in the East, within the framework of a task subsidised by the programme of the Minister of Culture and National Heritage "Sites of National Remembrance Abroad", carried out probing and archaeological work at this grave. As a result of the research, it was found that a Polish Army lieutenant of undetermined personalities rests here. The Ministry of Culture and National Heritage plans to arrange this grave accordingly.



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Grave of a Polish officer from 1920 in the Catholic cemetery
Grave of a Polish officer from 1920 in the Catholic cemetery, photo MKiDN, 1995

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