Grave of a Pole murdered during World War II, photo MKiDN, 2016
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Photo showing Grave of a Pole murdered during World War II
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ID: WOJ-000366-W/99370 (LT-0447)

Grave of a Pole murdered during World War II

ID: WOJ-000366-W/99370 (LT-0447)

Grave of a Pole murdered during World War II

The cemetery contains the grave of Michał Wieliczko, who died tragically in 1944. It has not been possible to establish the cause of his death. On the grave stands a metal cross painted silver, at the intersection of the arms there is a figure of Christ, below - a black inscription plaque with the inscription: "Michal Wieliczko died a tragic death on 20 July 1944 at the age of 17. Peace to his soul".



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Grave of a Pole murdered during World War II
Grave of a Pole murdered during World War II, photo MKiDN, 2016

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