Grób symboliczny Michała Wagnera, poleglego w 1812 r., photo MKiDN, 2023
License: all rights reserved
Photo showing Symbolic grave of Michael Wagner, fallen in 1812.
Grób symboliczny Michała Wagnera, poleglego w 1812 r., photo MKiDN, 2023
License: all rights reserved
Photo showing Symbolic grave of Michael Wagner, fallen in 1812.
Grób symboliczny Michała Wagnera, poleglego w 1812 r., photo MKiDN, 2023
License: all rights reserved
Photo showing Symbolic grave of Michael Wagner, fallen in 1812.
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ID: WOJ-000674-W/160794 (LT-0603)

Symbolic grave of Michael Wagner, fallen in 1812.

ID: WOJ-000674-W/160794 (LT-0603)

Symbolic grave of Michael Wagner, fallen in 1812.

In the cemetery, just behind the church, there is a grave-monument erected in memory of Michael Wagner, killed in a skirmish near Vidice in 1812 during the Russian campaign during the Napoleonic wars. The Wagner family bought the Soleczniki estate in 1823, and soon afterwards the brother of the fallen man erected a symbolic grave for him.

The gravestone monument was hewn from a large field stone and decorated with a white marble plaque. The inscription reads: "D. O. M. To the memory of Michał WAGNER, Second Lieutenant of the Gendarmerie of the 10th Lithuania in the year 1812 on the square of the battle of Widzami in the Brasla district, killed in the 25th year of his life, by a sympathetic brother".



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Photo showing Symbolic grave of Michael Wagner, fallen in 1812. Photo showing Symbolic grave of Michael Wagner, fallen in 1812. Gallery of the object +2
Grób symboliczny Michała Wagnera, poleglego w 1812 r., photo MKiDN, 2023
Photo showing Symbolic grave of Michael Wagner, fallen in 1812. Photo showing Symbolic grave of Michael Wagner, fallen in 1812. Gallery of the object +2
Grób symboliczny Michała Wagnera, poleglego w 1812 r., photo MKiDN, 2023
Photo showing Symbolic grave of Michael Wagner, fallen in 1812. Photo showing Symbolic grave of Michael Wagner, fallen in 1812. Gallery of the object +2
Grób symboliczny Michała Wagnera, poleglego w 1812 r., photo MKiDN, 2023

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