Quarter-grave of soldiers of the Polish Army and the Red Army who died in battle in the autumn of 1920., photo MKiDN, 2019
License: all rights reserved
Photo showing Mass grave of Polish and Red Army soldiers killed in the Polish-Bolshevik war
Quarter-grave of soldiers of the Polish Army and the Red Army who died in battle in the autumn of 1920., photo MKiDN, 2019
License: all rights reserved
Photo showing Mass grave of Polish and Red Army soldiers killed in the Polish-Bolshevik war
Quarter-grave of soldiers of the Polish Army and the Red Army who died in battle in the autumn of 1920., photo MKiDN, 2019
License: all rights reserved
Photo showing Mass grave of Polish and Red Army soldiers killed in the Polish-Bolshevik war
Quarter-grave of soldiers of the Polish Army and the Red Army who died in battle in the autumn of 1920., photo MKiDN, 2019
License: all rights reserved
Photo showing Mass grave of Polish and Red Army soldiers killed in the Polish-Bolshevik war
Quarter-grave of soldiers of the Polish Army and the Red Army who died in battle in the autumn of 1920., photo MKiDN, 2019
License: all rights reserved
Photo showing Mass grave of Polish and Red Army soldiers killed in the Polish-Bolshevik war
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ID: WOJ-000187-W/90371 (BY-0401)

Mass grave of Polish and Red Army soldiers killed in the Polish-Bolshevik war

ID: WOJ-000187-W/90371 (BY-0401)

Mass grave of Polish and Red Army soldiers killed in the Polish-Bolshevik war

By the road from Grodno to Lida (on the right), in a break in a line of roadside bushes, there is a mass grave of soldiers of the Polish Army and the Red Army, who fought against each other and died in the autumn of 1920. For many years the grave was forgotten, but in 1996-2001, thanks to Jan Jasiukajtis and the director of the "Morzejkowo" company, Kazimierz Rachartek, the grave was renovated. A large steel cross was placed on it, with two irregularly shaped plaques on the base of the cross. The inscription on the higher plaque reads: "To the Soldiers / 1920 / of the year / Compatriots", while on the plate below: "Made / through the efforts of the Cultural Society / of Lidzka Land and Richard / Grusha and associates".



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Quarter-grave of soldiers of the Polish Army and the Red Army who died in battle in the autumn of 1920. Photo showing Mass grave of Polish and Red Army soldiers killed in the Polish-Bolshevik war Gallery of the object +4
Quarter-grave of soldiers of the Polish Army and the Red Army who died in battle in the autumn of 1920., photo MKiDN, 2019
Quarter-grave of soldiers of the Polish Army and the Red Army who died in battle in the autumn of 1920. Photo showing Mass grave of Polish and Red Army soldiers killed in the Polish-Bolshevik war Gallery of the object +4
Quarter-grave of soldiers of the Polish Army and the Red Army who died in battle in the autumn of 1920., photo MKiDN, 2019
Quarter-grave of soldiers of the Polish Army and the Red Army who died in battle in the autumn of 1920. Photo showing Mass grave of Polish and Red Army soldiers killed in the Polish-Bolshevik war Gallery of the object +4
Quarter-grave of soldiers of the Polish Army and the Red Army who died in battle in the autumn of 1920., photo MKiDN, 2019
Quarter-grave of soldiers of the Polish Army and the Red Army who died in battle in the autumn of 1920. Photo showing Mass grave of Polish and Red Army soldiers killed in the Polish-Bolshevik war Gallery of the object +4
Quarter-grave of soldiers of the Polish Army and the Red Army who died in battle in the autumn of 1920., photo MKiDN, 2019
Quarter-grave of soldiers of the Polish Army and the Red Army who died in battle in the autumn of 1920. Photo showing Mass grave of Polish and Red Army soldiers killed in the Polish-Bolshevik war Gallery of the object +4
Quarter-grave of soldiers of the Polish Army and the Red Army who died in battle in the autumn of 1920., photo MKiDN, 2019

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