Grave of 6 legionaries of the 1st IRLeg fallen on 3.01.1920., photo MKiDN, 2019
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Photo showing Mass grave of Polish Army soldiers killed in the Polish-Bolshevik war
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ID: WOJ-000092-W/58274 (LV-0093)

Mass grave of Polish Army soldiers killed in the Polish-Bolshevik war

ID: WOJ-000092-W/58274 (LV-0093)

Mass grave of Polish Army soldiers killed in the Polish-Bolshevik war

During the fighting with the Bolsheviks on 3.01.1920. The 12th company of the 1st Legion Infantry Regiment suffered heavy losses in the battle for Łociki. The funeral of the fallen soldiers took place on 4.01.1920 in Łociki at the local cemetery. Just before the Second World War, there were plans to tidy up the mass grave - placing a gravestone and a kerbstone. At present, a two-metre-high reinforced concrete legionary cross rises above it, erected by the Council for the Protection of Struggle and Martyrdom Sites in 1997, modelled on the crosses placed on the graves of soldiers killed in the Polish-Soviet War. The cross, at the crossing of the arms, bears a black stone plaque with the inscription in Polish and Latvian: "The grave of Polish soldiers killed in 1919-1920 for the independence of Latvia". The cross is set on a small pedestal, around which earth has been piled and a frame made of mineral mortar. In 2019. The Foundation Aid to Poles in the East carried out repair and conservation work as part of a task subsidised by the programme of the Minister of Culture and National Heritage "Sites of National Remembrance Abroad". Archival records retrieved from the Lithuanian Central State Archive in Vilnius list 6 names of soldiers buried in Łociki. Currently, they are not yet commemorated in the cemetery.



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Grave of 6 legionaries of the 1st IRLeg fallen on 3.01.1920.
Grave of 6 legionaries of the 1st IRLeg fallen on 3.01.1920., photo MKiDN, 2019

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