Tomb of a Polish Army soldier killed in September 1939 in the defence of Warsaw, photo Rada OPWiM, 2007
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Photo showing Tomb of a Polish Army soldier killed in September 1939 in the defence of Warsaw
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ID: WOJ-000138-W/73638 (LT-0169)

Tomb of a Polish Army soldier killed in September 1939 in the defence of Warsaw

ID: WOJ-000138-W/73638 (LT-0169)

Tomb of a Polish Army soldier killed in September 1939 in the defence of Warsaw

The cemetery contains the grave of soldier Longin Sidorowicz, a defender of Warsaw in September 1939. He rests in the family tomb - at the top of the obelisk there is an inscription dedicated to a woman called Sidorowicz. The inscription dedicated to the soldier:"[...] cadet Longin Sidorowicz / died 29.09.1939 / From wounds received / in defence of Warsaw / lived 23 years".



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Tomb of a Polish Army soldier killed in September 1939 in the defence of Warsaw
Tomb of a Polish Army soldier killed in September 1939 in the defence of Warsaw, photo Rada OPWiM, 2007

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