Grób żołnierzy Wojska Polskiego poległych we IX 1939 r. w walce z Niemcami, photo Rada OPWiM, 2009
License: all rights reserved
Photo showing Grave of Polish Army soldiers killed in September 1939 in battle against the Germans
Grób żołnierzy Wojska Polskiego poległych we IX 1939 r. w walce z Niemcami, photo Rada OPWiM, 2009
License: all rights reserved
Photo showing Grave of Polish Army soldiers killed in September 1939 in battle against the Germans
Grób żołnierzy Wojska Polskiego poległych we IX 1939 r. w walce z Niemcami, photo Rada OPWiM, 2009
License: all rights reserved
Photo showing Grave of Polish Army soldiers killed in September 1939 in battle against the Germans
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ID: WOJ-000658-W/159829 (UA-4375)

Grave of Polish Army soldiers killed in September 1939 in battle against the Germans

ID: WOJ-000658-W/159829 (UA-4375)

Grave of Polish Army soldiers killed in September 1939 in battle against the Germans

26.09.1939 r. The 27th lancer regiment from the Novogrudok Cavalry Brigade charged at a German battalion from the 28th Infantry Division. Around 25 uhlans fell. They were buried in a common grave in the cemetery in Moranské. The grave has been preserved to the present day; in the 1960s and 1970s it was looked after by schoolchildren and villagers.

In 2005, a permanent commemoration of this grave was made with funds from the Council for the Protection of Struggle and Martyrdom Remembrance. It is a concrete cross on a simple concrete plinth. The whole is sited on an earthen grave framed by a thick stone kerb. The inscription (in Ukrainian and Polish) reads: "Here rests / 18 soldiers / of the Polish Army / fallen / in battle against the Germans / in September 1939 / Honour their memory!".



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Photo showing Grave of Polish Army soldiers killed in September 1939 in battle against the Germans Photo showing Grave of Polish Army soldiers killed in September 1939 in battle against the Germans Gallery of the object +2
Grób żołnierzy Wojska Polskiego poległych we IX 1939 r. w walce z Niemcami, photo Rada OPWiM, 2009
Photo showing Grave of Polish Army soldiers killed in September 1939 in battle against the Germans Photo showing Grave of Polish Army soldiers killed in September 1939 in battle against the Germans Gallery of the object +2
Grób żołnierzy Wojska Polskiego poległych we IX 1939 r. w walce z Niemcami, photo Rada OPWiM, 2009
Photo showing Grave of Polish Army soldiers killed in September 1939 in battle against the Germans Photo showing Grave of Polish Army soldiers killed in September 1939 in battle against the Germans Gallery of the object +2
Grób żołnierzy Wojska Polskiego poległych we IX 1939 r. w walce z Niemcami, photo Rada OPWiM, 2009

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