Graves of Home Army soldiers in the parish cemetery, photo rada opwim, 2007
License: all rights reserved
Photo showing Graves of Home Army soldiers in the parish cemetery
Graves of Home Army soldiers in the parish cemetery, photo rada opwim, 2007
License: all rights reserved
Photo showing Graves of Home Army soldiers in the parish cemetery
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ID: WOJ-000455-W/106567 (LT-0367)

Graves of Home Army soldiers in the parish cemetery

ID: WOJ-000455-W/106567 (LT-0367)

Graves of Home Army soldiers in the parish cemetery

Two soldiers of the Home Army were buried in the parish cemetery in Rudomin.

The first is Bronislaw Lisowski, pseudonym "Lis", from the 7th Brigade of the Home Army, who was killed on 4.07.1944 during a battle with the Germans at Porubank. Two other AK soldiers died with him, but the location of their graves is unknown. On Lisowski's grave stands a marble cross together with a preserved porcelain photograph. The inscription reads: "sergeant AK / Bronislaw / Lisowski / died [died] 4.7. 1944".

The second buried is Tadeusz Wartman, pseud. "Swiss II", a soldier of the 1st Wileńska Brigade of the Home Army. In the 1930s, T. Wartman lived with his parents in the estate of Szwajcary near Rudomina. He studied law at the Stefan Batory University in Vilnius. When the Soviet army started to disarm the AK troops in 1944, he tried to break through into the Rudnice Forest. Between the Swiss and Rudomina, in Sokolniki, he encountered an NKVD unit and was killed in battle. Initially buried at the place of his death, his mother later moved his body to the parish cemetery in Rudomin where he was laid to rest next to his father, Witold. The grave is surmounted by a massive wooden cross, to which two inscription plaques have been attached which read: "Ś+P / Tadeusz / Wartman / 1908 - 1944" and "Tadeusz Wartman / "Swiss II" / 1st Brigade of the AK / fallen in July 1944 / in the fight against the NKVD / Honour His memory! / 1 July 2007 / Radio znad Wilii / Veterans' Magazine".



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Graves of Home Army soldiers in the parish cemetery Photo showing Graves of Home Army soldiers in the parish cemetery Gallery of the object +1
Graves of Home Army soldiers in the parish cemetery, photo rada opwim, 2007
Graves of Home Army soldiers in the parish cemetery Photo showing Graves of Home Army soldiers in the parish cemetery Gallery of the object +1
Graves of Home Army soldiers in the parish cemetery, photo rada opwim, 2007

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