Graves of Home Army soldiers killed in battle against the NKVD, photo MKiDN, 2018
License: all rights reserved
Photo showing Graves of Home Army soldiers killed in battle against the NKVD
Graves of Home Army soldiers killed in battle against the NKVD, photo MKiDN, 2018
License: all rights reserved
Photo showing Graves of Home Army soldiers killed in battle against the NKVD
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ID: WOJ-000447-W/106559 (LT-0260)

Graves of Home Army soldiers killed in battle against the NKVD

ID: WOJ-000447-W/106559 (LT-0260)

Graves of Home Army soldiers killed in battle against the NKVD

On 5/6.01.1945, a Home Army unit under the command of Lt. Czeslaw Stankiewicz "Komar" fought a battle with a Soviet operational group in the vicinity of Niewoniance. 8 Soviets were killed. The AK unit lost 7 men, who were buried in a field cemetery in the forest. They were buried here: Jan and Zygmunt Jackiewicz, pseudonyms "Krzak" and "Zyga", Daniel Nosewicz "Drab", Edmund Wiłkaniec, Michał Karnilow "Karcz" ("Kruk"), and Czesław Tietianiec and Ludwik Malewski.

The graves do not form a compact quarters and are distributed in different parts of the cemetery.

Nosewicz was buried in an earthen grave, walled with a thick curb, at the top of which a monument in the shape of a stylised tree trunk topped with a cross has been placed, to the trunk is attached an inscription board with the inscription: "Nosewicz Daniel died a tragic death 1945 at the age of 27"; the whole is surrounded by a metal fence.

Karnilov and Vilkaniec are buried in two earthen graves, walled in concrete, with concrete crosses at the top, inscriptions painted in gold paint on the crosses; the whole is fenced with metal bars fixed on concrete posts. Inscriptions: "A.K. Karnilov Mikhail alias Karcz", "A.K. Edmund Wiłkaniec died 5 I 1945".

The Jackiewicz brothers were buried in an earthen grave, walled with a low curb, at the top of which was placed a vertical rectangular monument topped with a cross, on which was placed a black inscription board with the inscription: "Zygmunt Jackiewicz 1911-1945 / Jan Jackiewicz 1919-1945 / Peace to their souls / Remembrance from the family".

Tietianiec and Malewski are buried in a common earth grave without a kerbstone, on which a metal cross with an inscription plaque has been placed, the grave is fenced with a fence; the whole is within a larger metal fence, which also includes the tombstone monument of the Tietianiec family. The inscription: "Here lie the ashes of the soldiers of the AK / Ś.P. Czesław Tietianiec born 1923 / Ludwik Malewski born 1926 / died a tragic death on 6 I 1945 in battle with the NKVD in the Rudnicka Forest / This memorial is dedicated by the family".



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Graves of Home Army soldiers killed in battle against the NKVD Photo showing Graves of Home Army soldiers killed in battle against the NKVD Gallery of the object +1
Graves of Home Army soldiers killed in battle against the NKVD, photo MKiDN, 2018
Graves of Home Army soldiers killed in battle against the NKVD Photo showing Graves of Home Army soldiers killed in battle against the NKVD Gallery of the object +1
Graves of Home Army soldiers killed in battle against the NKVD, photo MKiDN, 2018

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