Zdjęcia z inwentaryzacji polskich obiektów architektoniczno-rzeźbiarskich w Ukrainie, photo 2023, all rights reserved
Source: Instytut Polonika
Photo showing Inventory of Polish architectural and sculptural monuments (17th - 19th centuries) in Ukraine
Zdjęcia z inwentaryzacji polskich obiektów architektoniczno-rzeźbiarskich w Ukrainie, photo 2023, all rights reserved
Source: Instytut Polonika
Photo showing Inventory of Polish architectural and sculptural monuments (17th - 19th centuries) in Ukraine
Zdjęcia z inwentaryzacji polskich obiektów architektoniczno-rzeźbiarskich w Ukrainie, photo 2023, all rights reserved
Source: Instytut Polonika
Photo showing Inventory of Polish architectural and sculptural monuments (17th - 19th centuries) in Ukraine
Zdjęcia z inwentaryzacji polskich obiektów architektoniczno-rzeźbiarskich w Ukrainie, photo 2023, all rights reserved
Source: Instytut Polonika
Photo showing Inventory of Polish architectural and sculptural monuments (17th - 19th centuries) in Ukraine
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ID: spol-000203-P/150715

Inventory of Polish architectural and sculptural monuments (17th - 19th centuries) in Ukraine

ID: spol-000203-P/150715

Inventory of Polish architectural and sculptural monuments (17th - 19th centuries) in Ukraine

Information about the object:
The task was to carry out an inventory, photographic documentation and description of the state of preservation of free-standing architectural-sculptural objects, which mainly include columns, chapels, figures on pedestals or roadside columns connected with Polish history. They were erected primarily to commemorate, for decorative purposes or to serve a utilitarian function. There are many such structures in the former Borderlands, both in large cities and in smaller towns and villages. Undoubtedly, however, most of them were originally situated next to rich and elaborate palaces or castles, which have not survived to the present day practically at all or have been preserved in ruins.

They were also often cemeteries or town corners. Today, these places often resemble crossroads, deserted outskirts of villages or towns, accompanied by the ruins of once beautiful and rich church buildings. Often, they are also the centres of modern Ukrainian towns, but the neglected monuments connected with Polish history simply do not attract anyone's attention. Many of these objects are mentioned in various publications, when dealing with larger monuments such as churches, palaces or castles. However, it turns out that many of them are completely forgotten, which is why the implementation of the project described above is so important.

Work completed:
In the first stage of the project, objects from the Lviv and Ternopil provinces were inventoried.

Funding: Programme of the Minister of Culture and National Heritage "Protection of Cultural Heritage Abroad".

More about the project: https://polonika.pl


  • Polski Instytut Ochrony Zabytków, realizacja w roku 2023

Time of origin:

17th - 19th centuries.



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Photo showing Inventory of Polish architectural and sculptural monuments (17th - 19th centuries) in Ukraine Photo showing Inventory of Polish architectural and sculptural monuments (17th - 19th centuries) in Ukraine Gallery of the object +3
Zdjęcia z inwentaryzacji polskich obiektów architektoniczno-rzeźbiarskich w Ukrainie, photo 2023, all rights reserved
Photo showing Inventory of Polish architectural and sculptural monuments (17th - 19th centuries) in Ukraine Photo showing Inventory of Polish architectural and sculptural monuments (17th - 19th centuries) in Ukraine Gallery of the object +3
Zdjęcia z inwentaryzacji polskich obiektów architektoniczno-rzeźbiarskich w Ukrainie, photo 2023, all rights reserved
Photo showing Inventory of Polish architectural and sculptural monuments (17th - 19th centuries) in Ukraine Photo showing Inventory of Polish architectural and sculptural monuments (17th - 19th centuries) in Ukraine Gallery of the object +3
Zdjęcia z inwentaryzacji polskich obiektów architektoniczno-rzeźbiarskich w Ukrainie, photo 2023, all rights reserved
Photo showing Inventory of Polish architectural and sculptural monuments (17th - 19th centuries) in Ukraine Photo showing Inventory of Polish architectural and sculptural monuments (17th - 19th centuries) in Ukraine Gallery of the object +3
Zdjęcia z inwentaryzacji polskich obiektów architektoniczno-rzeźbiarskich w Ukrainie, photo 2023, all rights reserved

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